Saturday 26 February 2022

Comeback 2022.


It's been awhile since my last post in 2 years ago. Alhamdulillah. I've learnt a lot. Top of all, to redha about everything that out of my control. Everything is by Allah's will. At the end of the day, we will gather on the day of Judgement.

tak ada siapa pun sukakan kejahatan, jadi kenapa kita nak buat jahat dekat orang? 
tak ada siapa yang suka bahasa yang kasar, tapi kenapa kita nak bercakap kasar dengan orang?
maka, perbaiki diri menjadi lebih baik itu adalah perkara yang sepatutnya kita lakukan. untuk apa? untuk mendapatkan kebaikan itu sendiri datang pada kita. dan semestinya untuk mendapatkan REDHA, RAHMAT & KEAMPUNAN ALLAH. 

masih memilih ego? tidak mahu kembali pada kebaikan dan kebenaran? padahal Kebaikan adalah fitrah kita sebagai manusia. top of all, kita hanya hamba Allah. Kalau tetamu masuk rumah kita, kita bagi peraturan kena buka kasut, jangan buat bising, hormat tuan rumah, right?

Jadi cuba fikir sejenak, kita ni manusia tumpang di bumi Allah, tapi kenapa kita langgar peraturan Allah (tuan rumah)?

Allah tidak meminta apapun daripada kita melainkan ketaatan kita, kepatuhan kita pada Dia sebagai Tuhan yang berhak disembah. itu sahaja.

Allah give us a lot of facilities, nikmat makan, nikmat minum, nikmat pakaian, nikmat kerja, nikmat pasangan, nikmat berkeluarga, nikmat lepak mamak, nikmat naik moto, nikmat bawa kereta, nikmat rumah, nikmat kecantikan, kesegakan dan banyak lagi. tapi kenapa kita memilih untuk berpaling padahal nanti kita kena pulang pada Allah juga. Malu kan dengan Allah?

jadi, Sabirah belajar, jangan ego untuk meminta maaf, jangan ego untuk mengaku kesalahan diri sendiri.
same goes to, jangan malu untuk bertaubat, jangan malu untuk minta ampun pada Allah, jangan malu untuk mengakui dosa pada Allah, sebab apa? Sifat Maaf Allah tu lebih besar daripada kemurkaan Dia.

dah sedar buat dosa, kenapa tak taubat? bumi kita dah tua tau, rasanya boleh kata macam dah hujung tanduk. Get prepared, fikir sejenak, bekalan apa nak bawa ke alam sana? Allah bagi peluang untuk kita bersihkan dosa kita dengan taubat, kembali ikut perintah dia. Jangan sampai, pintu taubat dah tertutup. 

Covid, banjir, puting beliung, Omicron, Gempa bumi, dah banyak sangat AMARAN/TEGURAN Allah pada kita. Sedar ke sedar? Bangkitlah. mantapkan iman dan taqwa kita. Kuatkan rohani kita, betulkan akidah kita sebab yang mendatang adalah sesuatu yang lebih dahsyat. Ingat, makanan kita yang sebenar adalah zikir dan selawat. Percayalah kita tak akan lapar walau tak ada makanan selagi kita yakin dan kembali pada Allah.

kita ni manusia biasa je, kenapa susah sangat nak memaafkan? sedangkan Allah itu MAHA PEMAAF, kenapa kita sesama manusia sangat ego untuk memaafkan?

Kita nak Allah maafkan dosa kita betul tak? so, kat sini nak bagitu kita kena JADI orang yang PEMAAF dulu. Orang datang minta maaf pada kita, malah kita ego pula? malah menyindir lagi orang yang datang minta maaf tu. Jadi fikir-fikir kan. 

what goes around will come around.

Mungkin kita rasa apabila kita mula perbaiki diri, banyak benda yang seronok kita tinggalkan, banyak benda yang best2 akan terlepas, kita fikir bila kita cuba jadi manusia yg lebih baik, orang akan menganjing, sindir, membadutkan kita, hilang kawan, hilang populariti, TAK MENGAPA, sebab apa?

sebab semua kehilangan yang kita hadapi tu, Allah pasti gantikan yang LEBIH BAIK. Lebih baik yang macam mana? ia sesuatu yang kita tak duga pun, sesuatu yang kita tak expect pun kita akan dapat. :) Allah tu romantik kan?, Dia akan bagi kita kejutan/ hadiah berbungkus hikmah :) We might be lost something good behind, but Allah has planned something better, so why must be worry? :) Janji Allah itu pasti. Allah sayang pada kita sebab tu Dia titipkan rasa KEINSAFAN, rasa bersalah.

semoga bermanfaat. Until next post, Assalamualaikum

Thursday 17 September 2020

Hi Assalamualaikum it’s ok to feel upset. I miss you so much I don’t know whether or not you miss me too. It feels like ages we haven’t  talk to each other. I know I might be wrong to put high expectation on you. That’s the reason why I feel so upset right now.  Ever since  I realize how important you are in my  life,I couldn’t keep it oneself. I’m sorry to miss you. I’m sorry to letting you feel mess about me Forgive my yearning of my heart. I feel ashamed to express those feelings directly to you. Because I know where am I standing at, and who am I in your list of priorities. I know and I aware about our other sides of responsibilities. I shouldn’t think too much about us Am I? There are lots of duties for this present live that we must focus on to. Especially as a human being, as a son, as a daughter, uncle, aunt and top of all, as a slave of Allah. Sometimes I afraid to make the first move of stepping away ‘cause I know I’m not ready for it. And actually that is not what I wanted to. Soon or later, I must give my love for His have and hold. I trust my journey because I trust Allah’s plan is the best. To all who I really love, I leave all of you to Allah.As far as I can see, He will never take away something from us unless He replaces it with something better. For all of you who are reading this, I still believe on you. I know you can be the best version of yourself. Maybe all we need is only a deep fate, Love is PURE, so it will finds us the way. So keep the love PURE. Deal it with sincerity, cares, understandings, toleration & PATIENCE. Love Allah first, then Allah will reply back the love feelings through secret ways that full of wisdom. Keep praying, attempting, do our best, leave the rest to him. I mean, Just,Have faith in Allah.  Thanks for reading. Love you!

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Love In Silent


Hi! Sabirah's here. It has been quite ages I haven't update this blog, right? Today, I wanna talk about love, which I almost to give up to. I love him. I don't know why. I just did. There was one day he told me that he more comfortable to be friends with lots of people. So I learned one thing that "Not all you love, will be yours or belong to you"

I try to accept the fact that he prefers to remain the relationship as a friend. It was hard, indeed. I cried a lot, I become weak, upset and a little mad and almost to become depress, which I have no any spirits and energies to do anything although anything interested me. I just make the story to be short. I lay back and ponder for awhile, I think about a week, I think about why this hit me so hard until I cannot start moving forward.

Eventually, Allah is the Merciful, I realize that Allah wants me to return to His infinity LOVE. I started to repent, read Quran, perform full 5 times salah/namaz without miss. Alhamdulillah I feel better now. Indeed, Allahu Rahman Allahu Raheem. I love Allah and Beloved pbuh Muhammad saw. The unexpected thing when I still love the guy. I thank Allah because He healed my heart from broken and upset of the guy. But I still have love on him.

I pray and beg Allah to save my heart and mind from being think about him. But again, I still love and miss him so much, Allah is The All Just, I leave my yearning of my heart to Allah. I mean, whenever I miss him, or suddenly think about him, I will directly pray to Allah so that I will be forgiven. I know it is wrong and sin to think about Ajnabi. I believe Allah will save me from carelessness of lust.

Now, I am so happy that the guy and I become very good friend. I told him that I love be friend with him because of Allah, to Mdrlba, thank you for being my best friend. I'll always love to tell you any benefit stories and share any knowledge together. I believe soon you will be the great man and leader. I believe that you will be successful to achieve your dreams. I believe in you even the whole universe drag you down. I still firmly believe that Allah will help you no matter what. I just want you to be the best mankind to Allah, I want you to know that I want to enter paradise with you, I will make sure to pull you to kindness, if Allah wills. InshaAllah. I love you for the sake of Allah. I will not ask any good return from you because I do this because of Allah.

Last but not least, you are always in my dua'. Allah is greatest Love and Nabi Muhammad saw is the greatest Love in my life too. I hope you so, abang. May the great blessing of Allah always be with you Abang. Aamiin. Assalamualaikum.

Sunday 20 October 2019

Hi 2019!


Hello everybody! Do you miss me? Sabirah? who always updating this blog but she is not like used to be. Right? hehehe. First of all, I really apologise to all of you. So, how are you doing? I believe all of you are doing great life, great job and great study, for sure! Believe in yourself! :)

So, it only left about 2 months for 2020 to come, isn't? And I just update, im so sorry, it just because I am so SO SO Hectic with my life, yet I still can't find one. But i still thankful that I've gain lots of experiences to make myself better person and better slave of Allah, for sure :) This world is immortal, this world is the place to collect as much rewards of preparation for hereafter :)

It is 1:22 am in the morning and I'm yet to sleep. It is because I feel nervous and worry  about what is going to be if I still can't manage to find a Part time job?

As my time is not only for myself, so I decided to quit from my Full Time 5 working days job to Part Time Weekend Job. But yet, I still cannot find one. Phew~ But! today is the day I want to settle down about my stuffs at renting room, after that, printing my set of resume/cv. Should I print resume or CV? Phew! and then I need to fulfill my crave? Oh dear! I need to be healthy person from now, I wanna consume more fiber, means that, I wanna buy fruits, veggie and more plain water! Oh ya I need to drop by at Sam's Grocer at Nu Sentral as it is the only grocery sell cheaper mineral water bottle! CACTUS brand, thank you soooo much.

As I keep searching for long term Part time for Weekend and PH, I attracted with one clothing boutique in 1Utama, im not remember the name, I hope that I will pass for the interview, please pray for me. Thanks! and I promptly saw the Walk in interview for IKEA Damansara too! It will be held on 23rd Oct 19. So yeah, I find 2 part time weekend job vacancy so far. Wish me luck!

I need to sleep now, I hope that the happy news await to erase away my sorrow *sobs* Dont be like me! I easily crying like a missing child ^^" It is ok to cry but please PLEASE, make sure that you LEARN from whatever previous experience you have deal with. So that...all of us will be braver person and...BETTER man! OH Yeah!! INSHAALLAH. Until the next post! Assalamualaikum. Cheerio!

Saturday 21 July 2018

Work Life as Customer Service Executive.

Assalamualaikum and it is 12:39 am in the morning guyss.. say whaaaat?

Okay Sabirah here.. I wanna share about my a little bit more experiences in CS field. It was fun yet challenging at the same time! I mean like when we are the only channel that most people to ask to, to looking for, to express their feelings to. So most of the time as a CS I am facing a different characteristics, behaviour and attitudes of people.

I mean like, you know, when we are as Customer Service we should convey the the best level service to people. but I am facing a mix feelings (mad, cry, happy n etc) at the same time! You is like swing between work and personal feelings... like..ughhh.. all I can say.. be patient. phew~

However! I will cheer myself up every morning by making a video, which is I talk about some random topics or planned topics too.. Since my English speaking is not really good, I decided to make at least 1 minute video a day :) Sabirah is really sure, kawan2 also have something to cheer you up in the morning before beginning your day, are not you? :)

Well, let us see if a baby wanna learn to walk, they will fall down and get up again..fall again and get up again..and again AND AGAIN UNTIL SUCCEED! :)
That would be same goes to us. when we weak in English speaking, speak more! poor English writing? do writing more. What about to have full English vocabs? so read more :) and etc.

And also.. what Sabirah is actually wanna relate all this thing is in Customer Service since the begin of live. I learn to talk fluently either in Bahasa or English. I learn to make myself confident. I learn to talk fluently. And most important thing I learn to believe in myself..

My friends..,customer service is not about job or career, it is about we are facing it, we are doing it in our daily life. Please treat and serve people nicely, it is about treat people on how you wanted other people to serve you too :) is it ok? :) Sabirah hopes that all of us do the right things and eliminate some negative aura because the world is the place to spread peace and love, to fight in the war so that we can rest well in akhirat. Suffering in Dunya? Peace and Calm in akhirah. Thanks for reading & until next time.. Assalamualaikum. Cheerio!

Thursday 19 April 2018

Job Offer; PA.


Firstly I'm not really interested in this job. I'd been approached by Mr. A from one of the Work Agency in Malaysia. He told me that I have to go through the online interview with employer for 1 week by yahoo messenger. I am still going through the process and I hope everything is OK.

At the beginning, I have a feel of the hesitation on it but.. I dont know I become trust in it. I hope I am doing the right thing. because I just follow my instinct after making Doa. I hope this worth it. My main intention is wanting to help my family and other people who are in need.

I think I wanna make a promise to myself, if I get this job;

1) I will help to solve my parents' financial problem.
2) I will help to settle my sibling's financial problem, too.
3) I will sedekah everyday. (helping poor people everyday) & my family.
4) Return kindness to people who helped me before especially in term of financial.
5) Marry with a man I love and make his wishes come true.
6) Perform Umrah and Haji, inshaAllah.
7) Make a business especially menjahit, jual tudung or buat biskut raya. (I will choose only 1)
8) I wanna achieve my dream to be a muslimah model

My first priority is not about myself, it's all about others. and I put myself last because I wanna make people happy. I dont bother if they would not return the kindness to me, but I just wanna make them happy because of me :)

I will update this post again. Pray for me. Thank you for reading and see ya!