Wednesday 25 December 2013

I'm back


Hi my readers. I'm back. I'm so missing this blog so much. I miss to update, to think, to give opinions and ideas. Recently I was very busy with things that I think very waste my time. Maybe I will forget it and keep it as my life memories. To think about it again, I'm feeling so hard to let it go, so hard to leave it and so hard to forget it. Can't deny anymore that entertainment really make you down if you do not know how to manage time. I dont know how to begin. I dont know how to take one step at a time now. I just think and keep thinking. So many feelings, so many memories, so many risks I have to face later on.

But one says I hear that "If you want to change, just DO it!" This phrase is one of my life spirit. I think I have to repent and silent. I need to answer all questions to those who put trust on me. I need to help them. Maybe I need to turn where I used to be. To turn to where I belong with.

2014 or 1434 Hijrah. It's a new year. so I have to be new in everything. easier says than do. But as I ever said before. we have to sacrifice. so I have to sacrifice. I'm not a teenager anymore, Im not 23, I am 32 years old.. I need to.. I will back with new islamic entries. motivations, inspiration and many more that would benefit people. please anticipate. InshaaAllah. Assalamualaikum.

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