Friday 4 October 2013

Hi Fajrul


Hi again. Fajrul, Nur here. I just want to say that I know I have hurt you and other guys friends. If you not see me on FB, that's mean, I erase you from my friend list. To be frank, I blocked you. I know you feel pain and I know some of other guys friends who close with me are also feel the same like you especially Danial. Actually, both of you are my close friends who are guys. I'm more chatting with both of you than others because other guys friends are not close with me.

But after thinking about my live goals, I need to be honest, sincere and punctual to myself, I've promise something that I only can know. Just one thing, I am a girl, so I dont want to be just called as a 'girl'. I hope you understand that to be a girl or woman, there're lots of limitations. So by unfriend and blocking all guys on my FB is one of the way to accomplish my goal.

Dont worry Fajrul, you're still my friend. Danial is also my friend. Just wait. Some day, I will be back to FB on the right time and on the right age..I think that's all for now.. if you are reading this now, I hope you dont reply, one request though, I hope that you would forgive me. I.....apologise. Assalamualaikum.

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