Friday, 9 August 2013

New updates!


phew~! I don't know what to update :P but I feel happy because this year Ramadhan have taught me many new things, new challenges and of course new adventures. What is that? To talk about my bad attitudes, of course I'm shy to tell that. But alhamdulillah I see a bit change in me. Actually I really hope it will be permanent. I mean, I will keep moving with my new changes. Easier to say, istiqomah (continuous). That is one of my major weakness. To be istiqomah is very hard things for me. But indeed, the hardest things are actually the right things to do. There are many examples for that. For instance, passing a big test in school, traveling around the world, fulfill 5 of rukoon Islam and eeman, and change the attitudes...behaviours and so on.

Ramadhan...speaking about that blessing month, it teaches us many new things every year! It teaches us from bad to better, indeed! Firstly, of course Ramadhan teaches mankind to perform solah 5 times a day and plus with sunah prayers like sunah dhuha, sunah tahajjud, sunah taraweeh and many more. Congratualtion and mabrook to those who success and have accomplished these good deeds. and many more mabrook to those who perform solah sunnah tasbeeh. because what...because this solah sunah is the most solah must be perfom  and be encouraged because of its benefits...advantages...goodness. Pleaseee. let us perform this solah together with siblings or whole family because as everyone know jemaah is better. If you are able to pray this solah sunah tasbeeh every day, then just do it. If you're not able to do it, then do it every Friday. or once a month. or once a year. or..... once in your lifetime! Because this have shown in the hadees of Rasulullah saw, that narrated by Abu Daud dan Ibnu Majah :  

Solat sunat Tasbih ini telah diajarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW kepada Saidina Abbas bin Muththalib. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:  “Jika kamu mampu solat tasbih setiap hari, maka lakukanlah. Jika tidak mampu, maka lakukanlah setiap hari Jumaat atau sebulan sekali atau setahun sekali atau seumur hidup sekali .“  ( HR. Abu Daud dan Ibnu Majah )

 that's it! InshaaAllah all of your sins and my sins will be forgiven by Allah Azza wa jalla from beginning to end, both the old and new sins, intentional or unintentional bad deeds, small or great, visible or hidden, conscious or unconsciously. As long as you do it very deep with sincerity and taubah nasuhah.. This is really want to remind myself and foremost, all of you. seems like this time entry are talk about Solah sunnah tasbeeh :) and ramadhan reflections :) and yeah continue! also teaches us to sabr (patient) and from being mad or angry, refraining us from bad talks and bad doings, avoiding us from doing lagha things (useless), avoiding us from tabarruj (excessive) in many aspects such as talking, laughing, outlook decoration, personality...appearances and so many more. and mostly...Ramdhan teaches us, educates us that one month of practice can change you forever....and ever....and ever.. It's exactly, precisely..definitely, absolutely true!! but! as long as we attempt to be istiqomah which is just to please Allah >< InshaaAllah! MashaaAllah....SubhanAllah....friends, how lucky to feel truly in love with Allah, truly feel the peace in self, truly feel close with Allah. All of us want to have these feelings right? Yeah, to say is easy than doing, but we...we have to sacrifice our time, our wealth, our beauty, our love, our live, our days and nights.. Hmm! how to really feel miss Allah. how to really feel Allah's love. hmm! have we ever felt to meet Allah? Hmm! I know everybody want to feel that. Hm! I'm sorry for being used many that 'hmm-hmm!'. 

Oh no...I have done something wrong. But yeah, when you noting that you have done something wrong, quickly, fastly! rapidly! instantly...recite astaughfirullah'aladzim..inshaaAllah O.K. But sometimes we do not realize at all that some of our doings are wrong and hurt others....that is why......that is why our prophet (peace be upon him) asked us to always many as possible a day. 

Rasulullah SAW bersabda :
"Tidakkah engkau beristighfar?
Aku beristighfar kepada Allah dalam sehari semalam
seratus kali." (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Hakim)

Until next time..Assalmualaikum. ilallikaq qariban. Fi hifzillah wa fi amanillah. InshaaAllah.

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