Monday, 5 August 2013

Meaningful breaks


2 weeks school holidays.'s enough for us. Can't wait to celebrate the Glory day, Eid Mubarak is just round a corner. Can't wait to perform Eid Fitr sunah prayer. Can't wait to meet old friends accidentally. Can't wait to back home, greet each other, apologize, hug, kiss, and sincere cry. Can't wait to feel that moment again. Alhamdulillah...Allah still give us the chances to deal with Ramadhan and change ourselves to be better person. InshaaAllah. to meet Ramadhan and Syawal again is one of His blessing for us. Alhamdulillah..

I am an odd girl as always, asking all my friends to put raya picture on FB, is my yearly request :P so do I have to put my raya pistures too. Fair is fair :) but fair doesn't mean equal :) I think I know why government give 2 weeks school break, the first week is a week to finish and complete all the homework, assignments and tasks. InshaaAllah, it would be done earlier :P and the second week is time to enjoyyyyy...! yeeehaaa..! wOoohOoo! opps~ But that's a reality. indeed.

But I have another plan this holiday. Sometimes my determinations are not accomplish.. hmm! how weak I am.. yeah, now I know it's true that ''easy say than do''. hmm! however, I have to rebut that statement! How to make a change. yes, you have to do prayer 5 times a day and everything about you will be change from bad to better. InshaaAllah.. but we must identify whether our solah is khusyu' or not, correct or not, accepted or...wait! If you think about whether our solah, our deeds are accepted by Allah or not, it just all depend to Allah, whether want to accept or not. It's just only we need to do as afford as we could. So, make sure to make your solah correct and follow the rules.. remind to myself too..

Forget about Bio assignments, although it just only food title, but the detail is so intense :P I think this time school holidays would be my most meaningful breaks. InshaaAllah...hey you can make it so too. Plan from now of what you want to do on this school breaks. We plan, Allah is also plan, but remember that Allah is the best Planner, if your plan failed, that's mean Allah's plan is better than your plan and indeed Allah's plan is better for you. InshaaAllah..just be patience :)

listen more, talk less, sleep enough, awake ealier, perform solah, perform duty. remember Allah, remember nabi, do solawah, do dzikir..wassalamu'alaik..

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