Sunday 14 July 2013

Updating memories


How to's like constructing an essay. Speaking about AN ESSAY, teacher Zabedah asked us to memorize an essay or essays, more than one lah. ok I'll do soon. really soon. but Adibah, the vlogger said, if we want to do something that good, or something that makes you closer to Allah, don't wait for next time, soon or later, don't hesitate but instead, JUST DO IT!

Last Sunday, 7th July was Arissa's birthday, Ude, HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3 I have nothing to give her but the wishes. It was also the Sport day in smkbg. I was happy and enjoy as I did somethings that benefit me. For this year, the sport day was not as cheerful as another previous years. Usually, there are many food stalls and the Lower form six will be the sellers. Plus there were no that cheerful 'pompom'. hmm what we call that, Mr.G says, 'cheers groups'. yeah, there were no cheers groups so the situation at the field was not as noise as before. There were still many students shouted Merah! Biru! Hijau! Kuning! Jingga! Ungu! or they normally shouted the name of athletes.

This is my first time taking part in decoration of pintu gerbang. Every team has respective pintu gerbang and ALHAMDULILLAH. All the pintu of it are very beautiful and cheerful! So, what I was waiting for? Just on the camera and snap! but yeah, it just a phone camera. my sister's Nokia is very useful on that day. I didn't capture much pictures. So I'm going to post it here and yeah, I hope all of you like it.

they are my friends. the one who at the right is Anisa and the left is Tasha :)
At this time we just finished our marches.

This is silat show. This silat will be present before any track sports begin. It was awesome. I think I really love the art of self-defence either kung-fu, taekwando, unlike boxing and wrestling :P

 this is pintu gerbang of rumah merah <3

pintu gerbang of rumah biru, and the model is Farhana <3 

this picture just same as above. and the model is Zuhairah <3 I dont know how to capture a picture well. so all the pintu gerbangs seem half. >.<

and this is syahbandar's pintu gerbang <3 

rumah kuning's pintu gerbang <3

rumah ungu's pintu gerbang <3

and the last is pintu gerbang of jingga <3 

I dont know what I have to do with all Sport day pictures. That was my first time capturing pictures during the sport day. I love all the parades too <3 It were sooo colourful cheerful..amazing and fascinating. I loveee for this time sport day but a bit disappoint. Maybe Allah will show me the most cheerful sport day next year. who knows and InshaaAllah. Just have a good thought. This is me and Zuhairah or people prefer to call her Zu or Zuzu. This is my first time having a snap with Zuhairah. she is at the right one. yeah..there are two pictures here but it seem a bit different at Zu's eyes. close and open, pejam celik. 

I think just these all pictures I have. maybe the next year sport day I'll snap more and show here more as well!! and of course I was sooooooooo exhausted back from it. and the next Wednesday is the precious beginning month of Ramadhan <3 <3 <3 Oh, Zafirah came to my house yesterdayyy =D It was our first meet in Ramadhan. We intend going to bazar along but it was raining cat and dog and lion and tiger!! But what can we do but just sitting and chatting. 

ahaa..and then suddenly I got the idea to fill my time with her. Snaping time! here we go and have a look if you do. 

it was really incidently when both of us wore the pink blouse and the tracksuit. Lmoa xD

''Jap! jap! niat dia cam ni kan usolli fardho 'asri arba'a rakaati ada'an ma'muman lillahi taala, kau sebut imaman tau!'' said me. ''dalam bm pun boleh tapi kau lah jadi imam!' replied Zafirah. Then we started niat and I had spoiled it by ''eehh jap! tapi kalau perempuan dengan perempuan, ma'mum perempuan belah mana eh?' said me doubtfully. then Zafirah said it's at the right. so we start again the niat and I was really a spoiler! ''ehh Zafirah! Aku ragu2 lah. kan orang kata kalau syubhah tu jangan buat lagi baik''. then Zafirah said 'tu lerr kau, jangan syubhah, lain kali yakin je lerr!'' then we laughed each other and started performing solat individually and side by side =) That was one of my humor alkisah with her :P so yeah...we had to cancel going to bazar..then Zafirah back home about 17:15. 

So yeah...hey that 7 at my face means July! our birthday will be coming soon. 29th30th. I hope we will be showered with more livelihood and long ages to worship Allah swt. SANAH HELWA to all my friends who were born in month of July <3 <3 Bedah, Syazana, Azam, Arissa, Harith, Zafirah and Sabirah. Or maybe I don't know my others friends whowere born in July? Ana asifaa. Maaf >< 

I have to 'pen' off now. Until next time.. jan jien wa ilallikaq qariban <3 <3 <3 I'm sorry for combining both sport's day and friends' day. 

***STOP TALKING, START DOING, BE ISTIQAMAH** don't miss the opportunity of Ramdhan. when you do something benefit you in this ramadhan, be sure you will make it as a habit in the next, next and next months ahead as well! what are things we must istiqamah with? solah, reciting quran, fasting and good deeds***


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