Saturday 6 July 2013



yeah, now is already 12:30 and I'm still not sleep. Tomorrow is a Sport Day at my school and I don't participate in any sport. But I really hope my Green Team would be the winner again and again and again but if we lose once, I hope we will be thankful to Allah. there will be the hint beyond what happen.

So far......I am really thankful for having friends that make me feel comfort, cheerful and humble. they really diligent and hard-working. They also supporting friends who really work as a one man. Thanks Allah for giving me many new friends. But the things I'm afraid of is the influence by peers. yeah, I realize that I have influenced by unnecessary things. But I hope I will never addict with it. Just for fun and just to be interested. Not more than that.

The songs is really impact me but I hope I will more love the nasyeed and rhythm of quran and azan..inshaaALLAH!

You know....when you feel comfort of what you feel now is actually the things that you should take care of and practice with. especially the good things that lead you closer and closer to Allah. is really a good feeling.

It would be one of the most good feeling when you feel something is not suitable for you to listen, to practice. especially the things that distance you from Allah... Actually that feeling is a blessing from Allah. It also means, Allah love you...Allah dont want you to fall in the hole of excesses of entertainments.

We might not be the most pious person but we have to pray that we are amongst them. say what....InshaaAllah. oh yah, inshaaAllah I will share anything about the sport day tomorrow. ilallikaq wa jan jien..

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