Tuesday 25 June 2013

Thankful, grateful, opinions, prays.


'Cikgu! Should I go to school ? Majority my friends discuss to absent by tomorrow. They give the excuses because of the haze. I'm hesitate, I'm afraid if teachers don't want to teach us in a small quantity students in a class.'

'You ought to go whatever obstacles you deal with because your intention is to study, learn and get the knowledge. Don't you? Who knows you will get the knowledge anyway? Just go.'

After knowing Mr.Hafis said so, I confidently intend to go. It is today. Alhamdulillah all teachers of every subject teaching us as usual.

It's begin with Mathematics, Pn.Zainariah supposed to teach us a new chapter but unfortunately there were....ouh! I get an ice-cream! Thanks mum...oh dear, how I'm going to typing with an ice-cream at the right hand. No never, I'll be never give in. (continue)....there were only 11 students from 33 students in SC1 class! It was really fairy-tale  when the boys are more than girls. 4 girls and 7 boys. So, teacher gave us a few maths questions to do a revision. It's really worth . I whispered, maybe this is my time to review Mathemstics. so that's it! without feeling doubt, I started 'struggling'.

For PJ, we were not allowed to play any outdoor activities. so we just stay in a class and have a chat with beautiful plus cute teacher :) It's really touched when this is her last week teaching us. She wanted to have a picture with all of us (girls) tomorrow :D cannot waaaaait :D

Pn.Zabedah, my English teacher taught us to re-write the informal letter. Even though I felt lazy at first, but yeah the things happen has own hint. Who knows my own informal letter has many grammar mistakes (common mistake in fact :P ). And for the Chemistry, Cikgu Leha taught us a new small chapter. alhamdulillah! Knowing that she will teach the same thing to my other friends soon, I am sooooo thankful because she said it will be our second time learning that and our chances to tough our comprehension about it.

Last but not least :P my Mak Pah, Pn.Sarifah, she also taught us as usual, we are already exploring into Meiosis! Mitosis and Meiosis are fun chapter. very deep..deep and deep. simply to say, profound. Maybe she will re-teach our friends who absent today. and she announced to have an extra class for Biology on every Thursday. Ya Allah! what a bless. Alhamdulillah..MashaaAllah...Finally the things I pray have been came true. It's benefit all of us as we have to finish all chapters quickly as the second test and final exam extremely close.

So, that's it! Sir's words are true.. Today, I got new knowledge. Maybe this story probably  make everyone think I'm proud about it but actually I hope, really hope you guys won't treat like that. Instead, I hope every entry of mine could be able to inspire and motivate everyone. or at least majority of people. Fi amanillah wa fi hifzillah. 

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