Monday 24 June 2013

Memories of June Memories of Syaaban


Yeah, I never keep monthly memories but for this time I do. Yes I did. yet I'm still doing it. After two weeks school breaks, I really deal with many sweet and bitter events or incidents. Thanks so much for my Biology's mum, Cikgu Sarifah, strict and firm, but humor and concern. Frankly, you have given such a great inspiration for me, for us to keep moving and doing anything. Just do it and others will follow our step. Even though my grade for Bio is too disappointing, that's not mean I have to give in. Cikgu Sarifah's advice really give me to come across another alternative to improve myself. my biology.

It's followed by my BM teacher, cikgu Vikneshwari, I'm so impressed with her. Even though she is an Indian, yet she teaches Malays, BM subject, 5 stars for her. And again, eventhough my BM grade is down, I still have to get up and make a change. As Grayson says, 'get rid of all the hesitations, it's time for you to seize the day!' yeah, that's a little bit involve with cikgu Vikneshwari advice, her advice seems like challenges me to prove that I am not among people as she said. She is right, dont stop diving into a deep, deep ocean of knowledge. Which means, dont stop learning! even though you ask a child to teach you how to draw!

And so many more motivational, quotes, poems, friends, articles, news, talks, speeches, vloggers which inspiring me. It is not enough if I just sit and listen to those spirits if I dont respond myself or react to make my spirits will follow by doing it, proving it and showing it! spreading it! sharing! and everything until achieving another name tag. Just two name tags. My dream name tags. I realize I have done a little reaction, I try to come across many ways, methods to gain my spirits and follow the suggestion to be more and more acting! Because I dont want to be 'says, but not do'. That's my old habits. so I have to get rid of it in a garbage where it's belong............

so I use a laptop, accessing the internet network and get started! Unfortunately, my FB had been hacked and my entire files and documents in it has been attacked by Malware software. an extremely bad virus! So my laptop had been installed again and format. all the data in it have vanished! 2 days a laptop with service shop. And then my laptop back to normal, fresh! no more virus, bacteria...either fungi.. during in 8th grade. yeah, it's really fairy-tale when my laptop become sulky with me, I tease him you know....with a bouquet of hopes, I wish all my deleted data could be recover when I follow all the instructions to backup my data...but it was horrendous result, my laptop could not appear with Windows 7. Instead he ask me to send my laptop to service shop and ask the administration to fix it. yeah. again I sent my laptop there and for that time, I wait for three days. Admin ask me to do not ever whim to follow any instruction that I dont understand. yeah, it's really a lesson. teach me a lesson. I aware...

Yeah....this follow by many statements and news about School open after the announcement of haze exposure.. There's some friends and teachers said school is still close, no, it's open by tomorrow! that's wrong, my teacher said it's close, excuse me, the Kementerian Pelajaran said it will open ok. are you crazy, the haze is too danger and harmful, think your health, tomorrow is not for school! I became overwhelmed. actually....messy! so I directly ask my head mistress's daughter to ask her mum the truth. YES, the truth is that school! is! open! as usual....this is final! except for those who have got the asthma and lung disease, are not advisable to present to school. or for those who their parents not allowed them going school should tell their teacher by making an inform letter. I'm being more confident that school will open as usual when reading an article from THE STAR news online that announced about it. Thank you..Get ready! please...Sabirah..please...

Nisfu Syaaban has came and I lost that opportunity to perform puasa sunah in the next monday. but alhamdulillah I had done something I hadn't expected on Sunday maghrib and that night.. I hope it will be come true. Alhamdulillah my dibt for last year ramadhan has settled. I hope everybody do so. Syaaban month is very bless and make me fall in love more upon Him and His love. The upcoming Ramadhan....I ensure it will be showered with more and more blesses and livelihoods. InshaaAllah.... 

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