Tuesday 4 June 2013

Keep asking


 From Anas bin Malik, he said: The Messenger said: "Pursuit of knowledge is obligatory fardh  on every Muslim." -Ibn Majah-

but remember...

Allah says, which means: ".. Ask the knowledgeable people if you do not know." (43, An-Nahl and 7, Al-Anbia').

We supposed to do not being shy to ask and to know something that we do not know. Even though it is something really basic knowledge. Asking a person who younger than us is better than acting we know it but in fact we do not know it at all. Sometimes our friend or people around you might say, 'oh man! you do not know it? Everybody knows about it.'' Just admit it.. 'yes, I really don't , can you tell me about it? perhaps I could gain my knowledge.'' and trust me, they will tell you. With that, you will know something new in your live even though it is something everybody have known before you.

But some people might not say like that to you, instead they will show the surprised expression. maybe they would widen his eyes or raises his eyebrows? and yet you have to ask your friend to tell about it. The conclusion is that we, have to keep asking. Come and let us try to make it as a habit.

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