Tuesday 4 June 2013


A teen girl and adult woman.

Teen: If you have any chance to study abroad, which country would you choose?

Adult: Maybe Singapore.

Teen: Singapore is one of the Chinese country right? I mean, there are lots of Chinese there because it governed by Chinese government. So, you have to learn Chinese.

Adult: A lot of chinese people lives in Singapore.Chinese and English are two official language used in Singapore but Singapore is independent country, it is not governed by chinese government only. I like chinese culture and I got familiar with its language.if I choose another language to learn, I will choose Korean or Chinese but I favor Korean a bit.

Kid: It called Hangul language right? And you're lucky to get familiar with Mandarin. I hope you will success in life. So what is your ambition?

Adult: Yes it is Hangul. My ambition. I am not kind of ambitios person. I just want to live a free life. To be the way I am. I want to earn money to help me have that life but now I just start walking on the way. I am still young to live too fast and full of worried. I am finding a meaningful target for myself. It is quite late to think but I am moving on. I like u because when I was at your age I just think about small things and do not seriously think about my dream.

Kid: So it's good to be a traveler! You can travel all around the world and get many experiences and keep  many memories! It's ok, to think about ambition at my age is good idea, but I think majority teens like me would have many ambitions and could not really choose a specific ambition and just focus on that. So we have conflict in choosing the best ambition. Maybe there are just few teens who really have fixed determination in life could specified their ambition that he want to be. I think I can choose the right and suitable ambititon at 20 above age like you because at this age, I could able to think wisely, and maturely! What do you say about it?

Adult: hehe, at each stage of life, we have different wants and needs. so I think we can persue many target but as people often say, we have a true love, after trying with many things you like, you may find what you really really love. I mean your desire your dream and we are not lucky to know this answer right now. Someone have to spend their all life to know it so it is so beautiful to do whatever thing that you may like, then to reach what you love and I think following the thing you love that the best target and the best ambition even you get failure or get hurt but your heart will keep you up but if you ask me when is suitable time to decide your real target, I think, as a cute boy said, 18 is enough. I see you have a good preparation so you can be confident and make up your mind because it never too late to do something.

Kid: oh brilliant views! thanks. I hope you will also enjoy your live and do many things you love. so do I.

Adult: yes and keep smiling.

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