Tuesday 4 June 2013



I'd been waiting for long time to be there. and finally it have came true. Alhamdulillah. Maybe my sister, Katy have spent lots of money to expend my stuffs. Two of my wills have also fulfilled. And now, I have to wait my long long and long school breaks to get my last will. InshaaAllah. Oh no...! why! why I'm going to be crazy when seeing cuty stuffs there! I feel like want to have it all. WTRM! What The Rambang Mata.

But fortunately, it was all under control, yet I still buy three things that out from my wills. That is something special to be conquered? InshaaAllah >.< Knowing that Zafirah reading about it. I also eager to know it! That is Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh. One of the best leader among the leaders. Konstantinopel. Now it called as Istanbul. which means 'The entire Islam'. I suggest all of you to read about it too. maybe you can come across on internet and read a little bit more about it? :)

zan jien! wa ilallikaq ;)

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