Saturday 8 June 2013

It's over. School breaks.


It's like taking a short nap. oh no, it is just a hyperbola. School days will begin tomorrow for the second term. InshaaAllah, all will going to be better. Let us have a new resolution. Fix here, fix there, improve here, and improve there.

What a sweet memories in along this time school breaks. Though I just hang out 1 day in along 2 weeks school breaks? =.=' haha it;s okay ^_^ having a chat with virtual friends that I have missed soooo much! is the best moment ever. I mean, one of the best moment, maybe I have no time to be like 'that' anymore. yeah sounds pathetic. but it is.

This is his drawing! sooo cute. Seems like he is better than me >_< hmmm congratulation my long friend :) I mean your name is long. ^^' oh well, Noted that this drawing is not me! This is Anisa Zulaikha ;) cewah, suka Danial! ;) look friends, he is very talented. knowing that you will attending and joining the Quran class? Use it wisely, kawan!

2 days before school days begin, Two of my hostel friends came to my house. Nadia! I miss youu sooo much :'( You stayed just very while. I thought you want to chat with me like me and Zafirah did... But it's okay, at least you visited me :') Seeing you were in rush, I know you are very good time manager. You are so lucky to be in boarding school and so Zafirah who study at Islamic boarding school? It's just so lucky! I can just pray the best for both of your studies and futures. InshaaAllah. Majulah kawan-kawanku! and so do with my classmates and school friends? How I terribly miss you guyzzz :)

Virtual friends, They are just like my family but what can I do anymore? Rules is always the rules that must be followed. Cheerful, happy, fussy, talkative, annoying, nonsense, and what's that mean? ^^' yeah, maybe I will miss those crazy moments. I've been thinking, mesti kawan-kawan letih! melayan my attitudes that very long-lasting ni kan? I just can't....can't...oh I really can't this is out of my entry title :P okay Kak Nur, back to school breaks that over!

hehe ^^ so Keep smiling, asking and curious of something. Increases our deed, put that miracle, superb and incredible words in our hearts. I don't know what will happen very soon. He holds it. Put away, trow away such a nonsense and unbeneficial things. InshaaAllah. We can compare what is good and bad. Being a bit... yeah that's it. Jan zien wa ilallikaq qariban. wassalamu'alaik.

marhaban ya ramadhan ~ ah lan wasahlan almubarak :)

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