Tuesday 18 June 2013

Day by day...


I kept cleaning and clearing the library and suddenly...

''Time flies so fast, days through rapidly...yeah I always use these words when feeling curious of time and....day. Since school has begun for the second term or semester, I started facing those things again. The entire grades for mid term exam is not bad. yeah, I rather say it is.... just average result. After weeks, my friend, my teman sejati, Ismi Sulis, I prefer to call her Is or S, that's pretty cute, indeed! She is very strict and firm but warmer and friendly. humor? yes she is. I'm going to miss her everyday just like I miss Zaty and Neen. Sam, he has transfer to another school. Alhamdulillah it is an excellent school.

TSS, that is, Technology School Sentral . yeah,, it situated in Jamry. I feel extremely happy when hearing she got that boarding school offer. Oh....I felt I was the person who got that offer because I.....eager to continue my study there. Any Technology boarding school. I will accept it. Just have a faith in Allah. As Is said, it is her faith. I'm sure there will be great hint behind this thing. Have faith in Allah Is!

Now, I have to stand by my own, 4 of them being a very close bestfriends. Zally, Antony, Mary and Bliss. Sometimes I'm alone but alhamdulillah I sit at Is place in class as Zally want to sit beside Antony. Okay...it's okay.. I will try to be close with Lary and Fiona. also my other friends who sit at behind and front. Bliss got command to take care of me. But yeah....the situation is different. Maybe it's not good and it would be sin if I tell because backbiting is worse attitude. 

So yeah! back to Ismi or Is. hmmm indeed! I'm going to miss her all day, everyday! Is, I hope you would forgive me for all the bad things that conscious or unconscious I have done to you. Forgive me... and Is, I have forgive you and you do not need to be sorry anymore and I hope you will study in peace.I know we will meet and keep it touch. I really hope Is will make new friends that remind her to Allah and lead her to Jannah. InshaaAllah..say what.... Aamiin.''

Yeah, that's a short diary I found few weeks ago...

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