Thursday 6 June 2013

Good service. It helps me a lot.


Buddies, I didn't mean to let you keep wondering and curious. Since you already know my dream is something like very serious. Have lots of rules to achieve it. It is completely involved a person like you. I'm saying, ''like you'' not ''only you''. If I say it involves a person like you, it means, it not just only you feel  that wonder and curious towards me.

I'm a bit shock when we are not like use to be. Seeing you just keep silent and the other people like you also do so. I can just say, thank you. Thank you so much, you guys have given me good service and it helps me a lot to achieve my dream. If only you knew, being woman is very challenging, yeah, even I haven't live in long time yet, yet I still know they are many limitation for girls to managed their life in many aspects, either now nor another days ahead.

I want to get that precious name tag. InshaaAllah. Allah said in quran that: Verily Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their own. Ar-Ra'd - ayat 11

When people niat to change to be better in many aspects, Allah will helps you to the straight and true path. With that, we will get a different feeling and spirit that glows very rapidly. InshaaAllah. We will noting that.

Now, I'm free. I just free from the the ''eyes'' in this virtual only. I hope my wish that following this statement would be come true. Aamiin.

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