Saturday 20 April 2013

Sketch Toy dot com


dot com? ^^' I mean  . Yesterday night, I sent this >drawing< to all my friends. I don't know why I like to draw many things there. It was only 4 friends like to play a draw in sketchtoy with me. Majority my friends just ignore it. perhaps because they are busy or don't like to play like a child. But for me it is exciting to draw in sketch toy as it can release tension too. eventhough it is like a 'Paint' in a PC, but I think sketchtoy app is more fun as the picture we have drawn will replay when we send its link to our friends.

Thanks to 4 of you, anakku Naz, Im or rather call Sabrina, Azam, bro Nafh and Danny ^^' for joining me reply our drawing in sketchtoy ^^ I think our drawing is cute, it's truly like a child. Actually I combined it yesterday night. so have a look here!

I'm sure all of us draw it casually and spontaneously. that's why it looks like that ^^' I hope my other friend will reply drawings for me. I'm waiting! and yeah, thanks a bunch Danial for the drawing hand-made. you are really talent in drawing. If you want to know, I love 
cartoon drawing. any kind of cartoons. maybe someday I will make it one for you, Fajrul and my other virtual fb friends. I have kept it in my PC and now I want to promote it here! yey! but I'm sure this is especially for the one you made it right? this is for your self-spirit =) and yeah, I still remember that harry potter simple poem xD once again, it just soooo cute. thanks.

well actually I just can't stand to laugh when reading about 'duit' in that, yeah kita mesti ikhtiar for money! lmao xD that duit supposed to be replaced by the word 'excellent result' ^^ fact, we can replace anything there. something that we want to get and achieve. 

I do not know why I really enjoy this drawing and just pretend do not know bout mid term which just so close?? >.< phew~ I hope I could do more preparation. InshaaAllah. until next post. ilallikaq qariban wa wada'an!


  1. wahahahh comel lahh.. hahah how it works?

    1. check it out>>


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