Saturday 13 April 2013

The English Workshop : Writing Construction


Alhamdulillah. Today was one of my sweet memory ever again. I joined the English workshop that leaded by Philip Rashid and his wife. Guess what!! His British pronunciations are very real one. Some of us didn't understand and hard to pick up what he is saying. including me ^^' But thanks ALLAH because we become understand and can adapt with her British accent. He is funny. He made so much jokes while dancing and acting like a child. We got about 8 pieces of papers which we have to write on it. I think I need to revise :) and yeah, we also got a small notebook. which soo cute. 555 book ^^

That papers given are very useful because it gives the smart way or efficient way to write an easy especially for students who use English as the second language. The way he teach is very sincere and true. But there was certain parts I didn't understand. It was soooooo loss when I don't put my hands up. It's okay, better luck next time. but when will I meet them again? Only Allah knows and who knows we will meet accidentally.

I think it was within 60 students have registered the workshop but not all of them was attended. yeah maybe they have lots of homework or get ready to face mid term exam? yeah.. me too. I hope I could do my best. Alright I will improve my history subject. InshaaAllah. Okay back to this English workshop, wahaha I was so happy when getting drink and food. It was snacks like chocolate bread of Gardinea brand. does the spelling is correct? never mind, and orange juice! yummy! slurp! was pathetic when I spilled that juice on Hanani notebook. help me....! I was nervous and afraid if she mad. but she was 50-50 mad or not. Fortunately I wipe it with my handkerchief which is very good water absorb ^^' so buy it now! ^^'
and tadaaaaa.....!

Thanks Hanani for snapping this :) from the right, Sir Philip Rashid, me and his wife =)
don't laugh...but I know you just burst it out right? =P yeah, was me in black sunglasses but take a note that I didn't wearing it. It just edited one. I edited this picture to be more beautiful and neat. Is it beautiful? Every person has different point of view =) They have published their book about How to write an essay. have a look and read here > How To Write an Essay or here > Education or to read more about it just ask Mr.Google by typing 'How to write an essay by Phil Rashid'. Oh I am happy to have his personal card. I hope one day I could buy his book and teach my future students. InshaaAllah.

and yeah, forgot to tell you guys that Phillip Rashid is a British and Muslim while his wife is Malaysian and Muslim too. Oh so can both of them get met and married? I was imagine that his wife meet him in UK during studying at Uni's. I eager to know their story. actually I intend to ask about it to them because I really wonder and curious. but I shy coz I am not a reporter. LMAO. One day, I will get to know it. I will. wahh, why so confident. so weird this girl. So until next weirdo story! see ya. ma'assalamah wa ilallikaq qariban ya readers. 

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