Tuesday 5 March 2013



All people that I ever met and still meet are all my friends. Although they treat me as their enemy, I still assert with my stand. You are my friend, they are my friend. Actually, I really want to be nice and kind with all people around me. But as a girl, there are many Islam limitation. I can't be over friendly and can't be just silent. I hope I could manage myself in social. Friend is a person who accompany us in this world just for awhile. We meet new friends in kindergarten and then we be apart. 2 years later we get into primary school in standard 1 until standard 6, still we meet new friends and separate again. and them time flies so fast and day through rapidly...tick..tock...tick..tock.. we are already in secondary school from grade 7th until grade 11th, and still we meet new friends who have many behaviour and attitudes. maybe after SPM we will be apart again. maybe forever unless they make reunion. Usually they will sudden meet each other at many place in this world. especially after be apart from University life.

It is depend on a person whether he want to choose good friends or friends who are not serious in seeking knowledge. But I realized......since my gentle, kind and silent attitude, have made people around me put me down and easily bullying me. I am sad for that. they impose me. that. is. so. cruel. I dont know how to stay myself away from them.. Oh Sabirah...please be tough...please be strong.. wipe your tears and move on forward. just ignore the unnecessary feeling. Yeah...that's what I usually ask myself, but still it has not completely fulfill. sometimes it is so fragile to deal with. that is the consequence I have to face in this life.. just be patient in the hospital...eh just be sabar..

Friends are easy to find. But we should beware to choose it. Friends are easy for people to have. but me, I am now seeking for ukhuwah fillah. I need usrah. I want to join usrah as I can fill my time with beneficial activities. I trust Allah will facilitate it. I am sure every person like to be loved and having friends who remind you of Allah and you also remind each other to Allah. apart from family, friends are also needed in our life. Maybe I should stop right here... how upside down my ENGLISH are!! I hope my English will be improve time to time. InshaaAllah. wish me luck in first test. InshaaAllah. Ma'assalamh wa ilallikaq.

and yes InshaaAllah, I will always hold these meaningful words for me, maybe for you too? =) have a read :

there is a girl told me : ingat, biar orang buat kita. Jangan kita buat orang. Kalau ada orang benci kat kita sekali pun mungkin itu ujian dari Allah. Dye takkan uji hamba dia sesuka hati. Mesti diselitkan sedikit hikmah yang berguna untuk kita. Aku pernah terbaca “kasihanilah musuhmu, berbuat baiklah pada orang yang membencimu, mintalah berkat bagi orang yang mengutukmu, berdoalah untuk orang yang mencaci kamu.” Haa, amek pengajaran dari ayat td tu tau.

while other friend told : Jaga hati orang, even hati kita sakit. sebab selagi kau bersabar, Allah akan bagi sesuatu yang tak pernah kau jangkakan.

I'm sorry, the words are in Malay and I am a bit, just a bit okay, a bit lazy to translate it. lol yolahh tu. That was their spontaneous words and spelling, so I just truly copy and paste from it origin words. Thanks a bunch friends.. Asslamaualaikum

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