Tuesday 5 March 2013

Picture of a day


Hi this is me and Anis or we can call her Anne. simply to call, 'N' ! ^^' I have a friend, Imtiazah. For short, I call her Im and sometimes 'M'! yey. I dont know whether they like those pretty simple nickname or not. hehehe! This is my new friend for 2013. She sits beside me in a class. Im too. N at my left while M at my right. I am a very weird person. Indeed!

Why I'm covering my face with that cute faces? people say my face look like a kind person but in fact I am the most........(secret!!) try guess it if you want to. do you see a book in that picture? guess what. that is chemistry textbook. Just want to show off without motive =P thank you for Zuhairah who was our cameraman...amboi cameraman... agak..who was our camerawoman..lagi lah doesn't make a sense. sobs..  photographer actually ^^' 10q yep.

Also my other classmates. I love them all. Eventhough not all of them want to be my friend, I will try to be friendly with them. InshaaAllah. 4sc1 is an atom. students are element. this is what our class teacher, Mrs Salehah said. She is cute and beautiful!! trust it. Maybe I should stop right now as I have not bath yet. So smelly like___________ (fill in the blank). Okay soap, okay shampoo, okay my toothpaste colgate, HERE I COME!! ma'assalamah wa ilallikaq.

by the way, I miss Zafirah. please holidays come quickly. **wish me luck on first test, InshaaAllah**

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