Monday 11 March 2013

Dear you


It almost 8 months we haven't talk. I love her but she never know until now. oh hate me already..I miss to talk, to laugh, to kid and to joke along again but I can't get that moment back because you treated me nobody anymore :( oh you, it's enough for me to see you happy with other friends. I am sad when you hate me because of my bad attitude. Don't in friendship we should advice and love each other? It's okay. I accept this faith. Maybe there will be a better friend Allah want to give you and now I see you already have a new friend who very suitable for you as she can make you laugh, make a joke, accompany you and never make you hurt. and then my other friend who was very caring and concern about me already close with you and neglect me sometimes.. now I just have another two friends left but they are close each other. I love all of you. 

Oh friends, please trust me. I just feel that happy when seeing you guys happy and laughing together. Seeing other friendship is also one of the best things I like to see and happy for. The meaning of friend for me is just simple. Please..friend is friend. there's no enemy but israel and syaiton. 

back to friend. dear friend, you are different now. Different from many aspects. it's very different in the times you be friend with me. when you close with me, you are a silent, kind, and shy person. sometimes you laugh when i made a joke. you are good attitude person, you used to stay alone and reserved. but are an active person, like to talk and communicate with people, more cheerful, always laugh as your new friend is cheerful as well, you seem so happy, braver and....and honestly, you are more beautiful. you know what...when your forehead full of pimples, my forehead was clean and smooth. but's upside down. my forehead full of few pimples instead =') eventhough you even dont want to look me anymore, i still want to see you when I could so that my tear just drop in heart. simply to say that you seemed happier and more perjuanganmu kawan... 

Dear all friends, once you be my friend, you are forever my friend although you treated me as enemy. I am pleased to accept the faith.. InshaaAllah... majulah kawan... majulah kehadapan... 

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