Friday 1 March 2013

First time


Hi readers. It was about 2 weeks ago I had joined debate competition between students in my class. Teacher Zabedah want to take our marks for oral while seeking for succession in debate for next year 2014. Alhamdulillah our debate team had accomplished the debate on the motion of  'living in the countryside is better than in the city'. I am from government team with two others friends, Anis and Kaushalya. while the opposition team are from Hamisah, Bedah and Zuhairah. As we just debate in a class, so we already created  the questions, answers, replies and rebuttal on our motion so that our debate goes smoothly and yeah Alhamdulillah, we made it. It was so fun because it was my first time experience joining debate competition eventhough it was not a real competition. My other friends also make their own group and debate with other grup under a different motions.

hmm..At least I have a little experiences. The experiences feeling that I really want. I hope I could go to advance level in debating. I mean, I want to be a representative for any debate competitions if Allah's will. Win nor lose are not the matter, all I want is just the experiences which lead me to be more brave, spirit, courage and fluent. and get rid of my nervousness and hesitations. Inshaa Allah. I hope everything will be going alright in every task I do by Allah's favors. Oh OK until next time!

OH yes, one more, i really hope all of you who are reading this post right now, please pray for my success as I will take part and face first test on March in Form 4 (10th grade). Thank you very much >.< See ya! ma'asslamah wa ilallikaq.

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