Saturday 2 March 2013

Merentas desa 2013


Hi y'alls. today is the best day, tired, exhausted, happy and dizzy day. That was totally true that this year trails are more extend and far!! fortunately the climate was dim and cloudy. If only climate was sunny, aahhh! my face would seem more like zebra. lulz. Anyway, alhamdulillah because Allah has facilitated my activities today. Plus, I think this year merentas desa is better than last year because I got 89 rank than last year was 100 above. Alhamdulillah! I am more stronger =P

after right back from school, I keep myself in room to make a cooling down!! phew~ Now I become fresh after had a bath, washing my hair with 'pantien' aww, prayer.. and  a short nap. so i think I could wake up until midnight to finish my homework and accomplish my mission!! sounds very poyo, bajet and stuff.. mum ask me to help her to cook and frying food as she taken the food order for sekolah rendah tomorrow. what the best opportunity that I can eat while frying. This is what I like. yummy. ohh this girl is so unattractive. hahaha..

All I can say is just 'hoorayy' and 'yepppie'! Alhamdulillah for today. and InshaaAllah for tomorrow. until next time! oh yeah, pray for my success in first test. thank you >,< ma'asslamah wa'ilallikaq.

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