Friday 15 March 2013

Pidato (speech)

Pidato BM luas tersebar..
Wakil negara ingin mencuba...
Jantung saya semakin berdebar,
Giliran saya sudah pun tiba...!

Ya, that's a beginning poem conveyed by Japanese in International speech competition 2011 (I guess)

Assalamualaikum, are you guys in the pink? if so, Alhamdulillah.
today I want to talk about speech or we call 'pidato' in Malay. last Wednesday a week before first test, I participated in speech. only in class between students. I conveyed my speech right after the forum performance. I was shaking and shivered on that day because I have some more text that I hadn't remember yet. So, I bring along the paper to in front. The nervous feeling make my hands vibrate. but I tried to begin the speech however. My pidato is all about 'budi bahasa'. You know...I watched some speech video on youtube. and then I found International speech competition. I love some speech from hundreds participant but I really love two speech by Sabghatullah from Afganistan and a man from Japan (i forget his name).. Actually I decided to make my voice and tone during pidato same as Japanese tone but it is funny, so i canceled my wish because it sounds so funny... have a watch this video >>>

He really like to move right to left and left to right, but it's okay at least he can speak our language 'Bahasa Melayu' I am really impress when knowing there are many people from other countries could speak malay.
''kepada yang tidak mengenali saya, saya bukanlah penjual carpet'' while this is from Afganistan. He included some jokes in her speech, and I think I want to make my speech tone like him but I can't. by the way, have a watch first >>
ya this is him. he was the winner for that speech competition. CONGRATULATIONS.

I was like, eh? which tone is suitable for me to speech? then I keep searching and seeking some more videos on youtube and finally, I found Pertandingan akhir pidato KPBPNB 2011. ''Jadi sidang hadiran, sebagai kesimpulannya, saya petik kata-kata nabil 'lu pikir lah sendiri''. There are some video from some students who participated in that competition. I was really admired speech tone by sister Nabihah Bt Rosli. I keep trying to follow her tone as far as possible but it was not really good because I am not her. oh yeah., have a watch this video >>
so this is her. She's cool right? She really make me amazed because she can answer the last question in her speech. she was the runner-up for that competition. I dont know who was the winner. If only I knew, I will tell you.

eventually i decided to follow her speech tone. but my tone was not really like her tone when i perform my speech in class. yeah, I am just me. and yeah this is me. no pretend to win =) no pretend to success =) This experiences really rises my courage and braveness to speak in public. Thanks to Allah. I really love and impress when watching people conveyed the speech in any competition. so here i want to share to you guys some more speech videos. here you go to this shortcut link >> Kelab pelaburan Bijak uploaded .You guys can also watch the latest speech competition 2012. and this link too >> International speech competiton . the videos in that link show the international competition. maybe he will upload the latest competition. just wait if you wish to. 

So yeah, that's all for now, I want to watering my cats!! no lah..watering plants la pe lagi ye tak.. alright. Ma'asslamah wa ilallikaq. Masau' alkhoir! (good evening). see ya.

p/s: the most things that we should observe is the moral values and lessons that conveyed in any speeches.

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.