Sunday 17 February 2013

Weirdo post.


Today is last day for 1 week school holiday. I became boring so I met my sweet blue bird on Twitter! Yea, as usual, I always talk by myself. Suddenly I remember Agama lessons about Khulafah al-Rasyidin. So I decided to make a slide bread. hahaha...dont b straving, I mean slideshow in ms power point . While I was making it, I post new tweet about Khulafah al-Rasyidin. I just mentioned 'Contohilah sifat-sifat Khulafah al-Rasyidin #Sirah' . yes, that's my second last tweet on Twitter for this last day holiday. and then suddenly someone greet and another someone call me ustazah. lol, because of that tweet, both twin were being friendly. but it's okay as long as they are ex-smkbg. former student there. hehehehe! study smart.

(from below) udah-2 lah tu hai nyee... twin lah katakan. but reza supposed twin with haiqal. but haha i just treat kamarul n reza the twin too. or if haiqal was there. that would be What Three Twin. tibai je keje aku.

and then I ask them whether they study in same hostel? then, both of them reply are just same. almost same. but same and..same lol. what the twin.

yea, that's it. lol.

And for those who call me cikgu, ustazah, doctor, prof and pelajar rajin (hope sangat). I would like to thank you all so much for typing it by finger on the keybord or just using your android? whatever gadget you use. Okay. bye Twitter! :( For all readers. pray for me that I will face first test on March. I hope I will prepare it very well. bye fb! Ilallikaq wa ma'assalamah. but dont worry, my blog. I would always with you and telling you my story and stuff. okay srikandi mengundur diri.. 

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