Monday 11 February 2013


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktu. Khaifa haluka ya sodiqi wa sodiqati? Oh.. it has been quite long time I haven't write in Arabic. Hectic of school life make me ignore myself to improve my Arabic. Maybe there will be a hint for that. InshaaAllah. So, as you see this post title, you completely want to know, what is IproduksI? IproduksI is a youtube channel name. It created by someone who is very secret. Everybody don't know who is the person who make the videos.

I'm ensure all of you will be so interest and attractive with videos in IproduksI youtube channel. Actually I found this channel since last year. Since I don't really follow it development of video, so I have left many videos behind. but it is OK. I can watch it anytime or in leisure. I would like to tell you a little bit about IproduksI speacials. Number one, the video convey the message by drawing and colouring. There will be a hand or maybe hands of a person who will drawing pictures while explaining to spectaculars. It is very fabulous!

The way of drawing and colouring are very gentle and artful. I really can't express how the videos are look like. The videos only convey in two languages, these are Malay (Bahasa) and English. but majority videos are in Malay language.  I have no word to say...but..yeah just watch this latest video. or maybe some of you already know and have watched this kind of video? just enjoy... it must be very beneficial. InshaaAllah.

this video is in Bahasa Melayu, sometimes he make an English version but sometimes he is not. It's okay. I will tell you a bit briefly, this video is about our mum who take cared us since we were child, her sacrifices are very priceless until we can't pay her kindness. Our mum only want to see us being a good man when growing adult. We sometimes talk and chat more with friends than mum, so we should change it and spend more time with mum. We must know that everyday is MUM's Day. 

You guys can see the other video here > IproduksI upload any new video that he upload, you can watch in his channel and this is the shortcut link to go there =)

And this is IproduksI facebook page > IproduksI Do visit there always as you will get more benefit knowledge and awareness as a muslim and a person. InshaaAllah.. You can see new videos and new latest news. Until next time. Assalamualaikum wa ma'assalamah. 

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.