Friday 8 February 2013

Short period of school break

Assalamualaikum...alhamdulillah, I have got 1 weeks holiday as the Chinese festival day on Sunday and Monday (if I'm not mistaken). The holiday being longer as an extra break are for Chinese to celebrate their celebration. I'm thinking about any activities that I would fill with. Of course the benefit one. Apart from finishing homework, I think I want to go more deeply about myself. I want to seat, think, and being alone just for a moment to know and measure my pros and cos, weakness and goodness also bad and good. I think these all are same in meaning. Never mind. That's what we call merit word. Different word reflect the same meaning. Fantabulous!

1 week holiday doesn't mean a longer break. As for me, I don't know why I'm feeling time pass by so fast. It flies very rapidly. I know time waits for no man. But why myself feeling so? Studying at school, attending curricular activities, resting in home, having a game on evening, meeting my cats and so many more activities that I do never feel long. 1 day is like 1 hour. 1 hour is like a few minutes. A few minutes is like nothing I can complete. Am I close enough to death? Yes, I am. so close because it come closer day by day. Seriously I don't ready enough for death because I know that my preparation are not yet enough to help me in hereafter. I just depend to Allah and go with my attempts. Have faith in Him for especial. What a suspended post....I am sorry....anyway, enjoy the school break.

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