Friday 1 February 2013

Bad words ? :(

There is a girl who known as Anna. She is beautiful, tall, has a fair skin, round eyes, concave eyelashes and good in attitudes. But she faces lots of challenges in life. She just face it patiently and persevere. 'perhaps, Allah test my eman' said her in heart. Last time, she was a very cheerful girl. But now she just a silent girl but still very funny.

At school, friends treat her like person who has no feeling. There are two friends that very make her feel sad, cry, and weak. They are Sam and Blis. For note, Anna and Sam are friend until Anna treat Sam as a good friend. But Sam don't treat her so at all. But still Anna be patient and control the feeling. Sam don't want to be friend with Anna anymore because the small bad things of Anna become big things for Sam. Though it can be forgiven. But Anna just keep patient and calm.. 'there will be a hint for this, I must find it' monologue Anna.

'kenapa bangang sangat!' 'kau ni menyusahkan!' 'kau ni menyakitkan hatilah!' 'kau ni buat aku rimas dan bengang!' 'kenapa lembab sangat!' 'blurr lah kau ni!' and so many pain words that Anna received almost everyday at school. Plus with the angry face of friends, unsatisfied face, and uneasy face that show to Anna. but she just keep silent. Anna is truly a nerd student but she is clever too. Since everybody just look at her as a 'nerd' only, that's why they serve Anna terribly.

'What a test, Alhamdulillah....' murmured Anna lonely. Even so, Anna still has many good friends. Therefore, she just go with the good buddies. Anna think, this world are just a place to drop by for just awhile. Just go straight to turn to Allah by throwing away unnecessary feelings. because the sad and bad feeling that you collect will make you give up and down. So move on your life with happy and comfy things toward success (Allah) and just take as a compliment and motivation from the things that make you down.

Be strong! be tough! even though it is very hurt because the ending will be as sweet as you wanted. InshaaAllah. Anna just keep her step forward and continue be patient with all challenges everyday.

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