Tuesday 4 December 2012

My friendship for the sake of Allah , Inshaa Allah .

Assalamualaikum to muslim readers and hi to everybody =) Today I'm being so emotional and happy . how's that ? yeah... sometimes I crying...laughing...jumping...running..and turning around until tired and fall asleep . But it is not what I want to tell about .

Today , I wanna talk about friendship . My friendship .. I have a very cheerful , caring and loving friendship with 4 buddies . They are Hidayah , Zahidah , Hamisah and Imtiazah . Hidayah name our friendship as GT-i . I dont know what is every letter represent ^^'' But I know 'G' means geng . Yeah , we are GENG ! Don't think I write in English means I am poyo and bajet . No friend , I just want to try to write in English and I want all of you read in English =) is that okay ? I hope you guys love it . If not , tell me immediately .

Sahabat , I want expressing my feeling to you guys . It has been almost 3 years we are being friend . There were so much things we were going through together , in distress nor pleasure ... easy time nor hard time . Alhamdulillah . I'm so thankful for this such a lovely friendship . We ever fight , debate , laugh , make a joke , squirrel , study together and everything together . even in recess time we sit in one table . that blue table is our favourite table . do you guys remember ? ^^

My dear Hidayah , Hamisah , Imtiazah and Zahidah ... in along our friendship , we have learned so much  things until we become mature like now on . I thank you so much to all of you . Without our friendship , we'll never develop , mature and cheerful like this . All of us have thought each other many things which so moral valued . And giving spirit , advice , and all of that made us happy . Thank you . Even though we ever misunderstand and had been hurt with each other , Alhamdulillah we could deal with it together rationally .

Sahabat , I want all of you to know that I love you guys so much . I LOVE YOU GUYS . I hope you guys love me too . Seriously , I treat our friendship only for the sake of Allah . but still we sometimes arguing each other right ? For my view , I think we should change the way of our friendship . Change it by follow friendship in Islam . Do you guys want to know ?

1. We should pleasant (smile) with each other when meeting friends . As a hadith said ;
Rasulullah saw said ; ''don't underestimate (pandang remeh) with a charity even it is just a little , and even meet your friend , you must show a cheerful face (smile)'' -(HR Muslim)-

2. Immediately shake hands when meet friends . As a hadith said ;
Rasulullah saw said ; ''Every two Muslims who meet and shake hands , certainly they will be forgiven by Allah swt before they separate/depart'' -(HRAbu Daud)-

3. Giving present/gift to each other . As a hadith said ;
Rasulullah saw said ; ''and you must give a gift to each other , certainly you will love each other'' -(HR Thabrani)-

4. Helping friend in difficulty/trouble . As a hadith said ;
Rasulullah saw said ; '' A person who walk and wish to fulfill his friend's wish/request is better than a person who ihktikaf for 2 months.''

Actually there are many ways being friend in Islam . You guys may search on Google to find more about it . For me , in a friendship we must love each other and advice each other . We as a human being never escape from doing mistake , friend .

1. If our friend has trouble/problem , we must try to do something that our friend will feel calm and peace . Even though we can't solve his/her problem .

2. If our friend ask for a favour (help) , we must try help him/her as far as possible . Even though we can't completely help him/her .

3. If our friend is planning something , we must ask them and give opinion and view to gain his/her idea . Even though our opinion is does not make a sense or unacceptable . At least we try .

4. If we talk or chat with friends , we must confess that what she/he said is true... If our friend says something wrong , we must greet and advice him/her and tell what is the truth .

5. If we argue or squirrel with our friend , we must give up so that the friendship doesn't affected and broke .

Sahabat , it is hard and difficult to find friend like above and it is hard to train ourselves to be so right ? I admit it . But Hidayah , Hamisah , Zahidah and Imtiazah , we must attempts to be like all points I mentioned above . I want to 'heal' our friendship . Let us make our friendship for the sake of Allah . I really love all of you . Aku sayang kau orang semua . Islam teaches us to be patient , calm , peace , loving , caring , honest , sincere and everything that bring us to be better person . Says that if one day we will far away or separate , La Tahzan (don't be sad) , we must pray each other so that our love feeling in friendship never be erase . Biar jauh di mata , asal dekat di hati =)

Hidayah , Hamisah , Imtiazah dan Zahidah . I'll remember you in my du'a . and I hope you guys will remember me in your du'a as well . Beristiqamahlah menunaikan perintah Allah . Reminder for myself and 4 of you =) Ana uhibbuki ukhuwah fillah (saya sayang persahabatn kerana Allah) .

Firman Allah swt yang bermaksud ;
''Sebenarnya , orang-orang yang beriman itu adalah bersaudara , maka damaikanlah di antara dua saudara (ynag berterlingkah) itu dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah supaya kamu beroleh rahmat'' . (Al-Hujurat 49:10)

I think , I should stop right now . I hope you guys will be more spirit to be better person and being good in our friendship . Until next post . Assalamualaikum ya sodiqati =)

This is present for you guys =)


Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.