Friday 7 December 2012


Assalamualaikum muslim readers . Hi everybody !! How are you ? Does everybody have said Alhamdulillah for today ? If not yet.. let's say Alhamdulillah..SubhanAllah..Lailahaillah , AllahuAkhbar , MashaAllah and Lahaulawalakuwwataillah billa il'aliyila'zim.. Mabruk (Congratulation) , you said it today .

Today I want to share about life . Yes , it is about life AGAIN . But for this time , I wanna talk about today's life which seems old and going to the end of the world (doomsday) . I don't want to talk about doomsday , but I want to talk about the awareness for every people especially Muslims .

I keep thinking many times , does my amal is enough for the hereafter ? how long I could live in this world of temporary ? does my amal would be accepted by Allah ? Am I ready enough to face the death ? Do I istiqamah in doing Allah's commands ? and so many more questions are moving here and there in my mind . Questions which talk about 'We as a Muslim' .

After reading my friend blog , Imtiazah's blog and also another blog which talk about awareness , I suddenly think that I'm still weak and lack of Islamic knowledge . Indeed , the life nowadays are seem going to be finish . Why I'm saying so ? It's because there are many signs of the end of the world . Small signs either big signs . But I'm sure the big signs of the end of world are very close . It's like would be happen tomorrow . I don't mean to scare anybody , but this is a fact which will be happen anyhow . When Allah says 'kunfayakun' means 'jadilah!' , then it will happen like the speed of lightning . Allahu'alam .

It is right that we must not be shy or shame to change ourselves to be a better person . Let bad in the eyes of people surrounding , and don't let we'r looking bad in the eyes of Allah swt . Sometimes , I think that I am the highest , but in fact , I'm not . I am very tiny , small and weak , I have no enough power and energy to against my nafs . Indeed , the strongest person is the person who able to against his nafs in whatever situation and whoever he is . I'm very upset of myself right now .. I keep thinking a lot , why does my behaviours are like this ? Who will I put the all blame with ? No one but myself . yes , MYSELF ! These are all my mistake . Allah will never change the condition of His mankind , except they change by their own . How to begin ? It's by one step at a time . To be bad person is very easy as a piece of cake , but to be good person is very hard like want to build a building . It takes long time . But not too long .

Actually , every person must listen to advice or tazkirah everyday , we must clean our soul with advises daily . we must clean our face with the tear of taubah . We are just a human being , actually we are very small . Therefore , when we feel happy , proud , glad , excited and any feelings that are similar to it , we should not feel comfy with that , instead we should always think that it is Allah's test , Allah want to see our action when we get His mercy . Do we will make a syukur sujud ? Do we will be over proud ? takbur or ujub ? Or do we will say Alhamdulillah ? and praise to Allah continuously ? Actually I want to remind myself and even all of you . I hope I will be more good and good by follow the time which flies so fast to the date of death .

Severely , doomsday are just so close . therefore , we must always ready and be prepare everything to face the akhirah , face Allah , face the death , face the padang mahsyar , face the malaikat (angle) , face the titian sirat and face the everything which called 'ghaib' . Until next post . Assalamualaikum . 

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.