Wednesday 28 November 2012

doesn't accomplish

Assalamualaikum wbt to muslims and hi to everybody . Do you guys notice that time flies so fast ? so EXPRESS ! But I'm so disappointing that myself didn't express as well . I mean I don't accomplish some plan for school holiday and the next school year . It just left few days and then we'll get into December . There are many things I have to accomplish anyhow before it'll go to the year of 2013 .

So far , I don't revise form 1 until form 3 lessons . Why must revise ? That's because those 3 years continuously lessons will be bring into form 4 lesson . It involved in form 4 lesson . I'm a moderate student who just study which not really blast like excellent students, that's why I want to revise before I get into form 4 life . my form 4 life would be . I've think many things about form 4 . Friends , lessons , class , teachers , strength of mental and physical .

Plus , I have to study a little bit more for form4 lesson so that I'll easy to catch up and understand when teacher is teaching in class . So mess !! I don't want to enjoy my holiday with all fun activities . Next year is the most important year for me . YES , I must struggle for it . Fist this word 'Take a Challenge and Dare to Win' .

I hope all students and friends will also have study spirit . Don't let our parents down . cheer them up by showing your progress in studying . AllahuAkhbar ! Until next post . Assalamualaikum . 

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