Saturday 24 November 2012

Perception of life . Pray and Fate ?

Assalamualaikum .

Some people say ; life is very challenging . Life is full of big surprises . Life is a journey . Life is unpredictable . Life is short . Life is a journey to turn to Allah . Life is a test . Life is like a song . Life is about making choices . Life is complicated . Life is meaningful . Life is.... umm.. I forget what else ^^'' you may add what life is =) 

I feel so weird because there are so many definition of life . yeah , that's because every person has different views and experiences . Feels like want to slap me right ? =P  I think life is everything what we'r going through either in hard nor easy time . For Muslims , Allah has set our destiny or fate . Therefore Muslims must follow the fate and trust what Allah have set . Some people asked , ''why should we pray if there's already a fate for every mankind?'' Alright , I know everyone ever heard this question and already knew the answer . But here , I just want to remind all of you and myself because a person easy to forget especially good things including me . Here we go . About fate (takdir) . Fate divided by two . Fate Mubram and fate Mualliq . Fate Mubram is a fate which have set by Allah swt which cannot be changed . For example the all kind of disasters ; earthquakes , tsunami , doomsday , the presence of dajjal , die and life of Allah's creature . Whereas fate Mualliq is a fate which can be changed and every human able to change it because Allah allows us to do so by doing pray , attempt and tawakal (depend to Allah) . Such like exams result , livelihood (rezeki) and so many more . Allah is not cruel to set all things for all His mankind (slave/servant). and Allah will not burden (bebankan) His mankind with sins that His mankind did . 

''So , what is connection (kaitan) between pray and fate ?''

In this life , fate is command (ketetapan) of Allah for all His mankind and it can be changed if we want . 

''Then , if the fate has set by Allah , why should we pray anyhow ?''

Alright , let's talk about death . I said just now that die is fate Mubram that cannot be changed right ? We definitely cannot change it and don't know when will we die . For instance , Allah have set we will die on 3/3/33 . This just EXAMPLE . *contoh je tau?* But we don't know at all we will die on that date . That's is Allah's secret . Allah will never tell us when we will die . But how and in what situation of death will we face ? In good , peace , or terrible situation ? But these things , we can change it . For only one condition , we must istiqamah (continuosly) obey Allah's command , InshaaAllah we will die in peace condition (dalam keadaan iman) . If we always do bad things and activities in this live , therefore , we will die in suffer . Allahu'alam . second EXAMPLE , Allah have set that we will get marry on 4/4/44 . Just an example tau ? and on that day we'll marry . but in fact , we don't at all when we will get married right ? But with who ? How's that person looks like ? For this , we can change it . If we are kind heart person , 'alim (religious person) , always amar ma'ruf , nahi mungkar , InshaaAllah , our partner is also characteristic like us . *gatai nak kawin ke? belajar dulu =P* heheh..I hope you guys dont offended with my statement ^^'' 

The conclusion , du'a (pray) is our right . to fulfill our du'a is Allah's will . We cannot force Allah to fulfill all of our pray and request because we are just His slave . Fortunately , Allah don't take oxygen around us when we do a sin . So , what we have to breath and depend to ? If Allah take the oxygen , can we breath with Nitrogen ? Tak boleh , right ? 

People who believe in Qada' and Qadar of Allah will be pleased with all of gift of Allah . but does not mean they did not try. Why should we pray ? Aren't already have a destiny ? Allah is the reason who we should pour all our thick (hard) and thin(easy) time . If we do not trust in Allah , who will we want to ask with ? to moon ? stars ? that's not make a sense . Allahu'alam (Only Allah knows) . 

Therefore life is life . It is how we fill it with things that beneficial or instead . Be thankful that we serve (bertuhankan) Allah . Also grateful because we are Muslims. Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah!! Syukran gazilan for reading . semoga bermanfaat . Do leave a comment or opinion if you want . Until next post . ilallikaq ! Assalamualaikum =')

"Bagi tiap-tiap seorang ada malaikat penjaganya silih berganti dari hadapannya dan dari belakangnya, yang mengawas dan menjaganya (dari sesuatu bahaya) dengan perintah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri. Dan apabila Allah menghendaki untuk menimpakan kepada sesuatu kaum bala bencana (disebabkan kesalahan mereka sendiri), maka tiada sesiapapun yang dapat menolak atau menahan apa yang ditetapkanNya itu, dan tidak ada sesiapapun yang dapat menolong dan melindungi mereka selain daripadaNya." - Ar-Ra'ad : 11 

credit to Nuranis Sanusi

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.