Thursday 1 November 2012

My unforgettable memories 2012

Assalamualaikum wbt . Hi readers . Hi fans . *is there any fans of mine?* alright . hamba perasan je . Okay , back to blog . Alhamdulillah , school day of 2012 year was finished today . So , I will get long-term school break . Say what ? Alhamdulillah . 3....2...1.., Yee-haaaa ! , W0oo-hooo ! Yee-Peee ! Yaah0oo ! Hoo-rayy ! =) Actually it is enough when say 'Alhamdulillah' which means , 'All praises to Allah' . Today I'm gonna talk about sweet memories . It sort of sweetest memories in this year . There's just two sweet memories of mine . One was from at mee kuning factory which place we search for more information to finish our history folio . That was a task which we had to search about local food in our own state , Selangor . So , we decided to choose the closest factory with our school . It is Mee Kuning Cik Siti . It was also sweet memory when we all work as one man to get the necessaries info and coperation to finish our respective folio . Thank you my friendly friend ! You guys are very brave , chin up , and talkative =)

And the other memory is when I was joining the Science exhibition at physic lab . Actually I had joined Puteri Islam marching tournament for school level before I take part for the science fair . Unfortunately I don't have a chance to get along with my Puteri Islam batch and snapping picture together . What can I do anymore right ? It's okay . let it pass . Back to Science fair , it was really , precisely and incredibly awesome !! I think it was a tense experience ever . even my first time experience joined the science fair , making experiment and explain to many students and teachers . I was so thankful because I got this gold opportunity for this year .

So buddies , this is my picture and friends !! I edited this at  . the above picture was at Cik Siti factory while the bottom picture was at Science lab during Science exhibition . here is this =)

I was soooo tired at this science fair but sooooooooooooooo HAPPY . Alhamdulillah . Apa yang penting ? KERJASAMA =D

So , this is my sweetest 2012 memories which unforgettable . How about yours ? I hope all people in this world will have their own happy stories in their life . Life is full of big challenges , sweet and bitter memories nor experiences . Therefore we must appreciate our life . As Malay proverb says ''Hidup sekali biar bererti'' . When friend make a peace symbol , that is the way we called Friend Peace . When friends are in our soul , yeah , they are our soulmates . Dear readers , we must make a wise choice to have a friend . Whoever friend with those bad person , they will weak and slack with world enjoyment and entertainment . And Whoever friend with those good person , they will get benefits and think that life is very meaningful and precious . 

I wish I could find Allah so that I could find others that I needed in life . The main principle that Muslim should fist are DU'A > more ATTEMPSTS > TAWAKAL (leave to Allah) . Remember , intention is the main reason of our attitude as well . Think about it . Maybe my next post will talk about my schedule and activities in along long-term school break . maybe it will be fun ? pressure ? compact ? or free always ? Hmmm , keep waiting my lovely readers . *hamba bajet ada peminat , huhu T.T* 

Alright Sabirah , stop merepek-ing . Until next post . Assalamualaikum .