Tuesday 20 November 2012

Life is full of big challenges and surprises .

Assalamualaikum wbt to all muslim readers ! kahifa haluka ? and hi to everybody , what's up ? =) Well today I'm going to write about life . I know people will say this to me > ''err...there's nothing else to tell anymore but life ? Well.. your blog is all about life right... what else !!'' Yeah...yeah I know I always write about life right here . That's because we can't run away from life except when we die but , still we will live for a second time at the hereafter . and that's it . we CANNOT run away from life . and the hereafter is the immortal place that we'll live there forever . InsyaAllah . Allahu'alam .

Actually I want to write about  MY life but , still involve all people here . I don't know maybe certain people only ? ^^'' keep reading . From the beginning until now on , there are so much thing I haven't achieve yet . I haven't accomplish yet . I wish I could turn back to my childhood . I wish you were here, Avril Lavigne . huh! it doesn't make a sense . Alright , forget it ^^'' But life must move of forward right .? Don't let bad history happen again . no never . If it still happen , that we call 'horrendous' . So , try continuously to change it to be better back .

I keep thinking about my kindergarten time . How sweet and benefit if my parents put me into Religious school or Tahfiz school . But we can't turn back the time right ? So now I follow my destiny path and keep du'a so that I will never regret of my way of life , InsyaAllah. My dear , we'll never escape from facing challenges , stress , pressures and problems in life because these all teach us to be more mature , useful and wise person . Think about it . It's true . Tick...tock..tick...tock , the clock keep ticking everyday . Day by day , month by month and year by year . It's like unbelievable I am now 15 years old . I have lived in this life for 15 years . really ? aaaaaa ! It very unconsciously .

And I keep thinking again , what have I done and what have I gotten in along 15 years live in this world of temporary ? Does my reward are sufficient to face the hereafter ? Does my 'amal and charities are enough ? Do I have devoted many good deeds to my parents ? I think NO ! I'm not yet responsible to all task which fall on me . I keep thinking everyday on how I have to change my life . my whole life from in and out . Change the behaviours , attitudes , appearances and outlooks . To achieve that we must have a determination and diligent . And another thing about life is a 'mistake' . YES . we as a human never escape from doing a mistake . but we MUST learn from a mistake . Do you know Albert Einstein ? He says ''I am being a genius because my mistakes, and I learn from it'' . So the conclusion here , we must learn from our mistake . and when we learn from it , surely we want to make it right and intend to never do it wrong anymore right ? therefore we must learn from the mistakes and don't be shy to improve it , instead we must help ourselves . Plus we can't avoid from doing sins but we must REDUCE it . There are many ways to reduce it but the super easy way is just follow Quran and Sunnah . does it hard to do ? NO ! In fact its easy to obey .

Just hold one thing in this life . Think easy . When we think things hard , the things will be exactly difficult . If we think things easy . InsyaAllah , Allah will make it easy as a pie . When there's no way , Allah will make a way . Agree ? That's a fact . INDEED ! In order to face many obstacles in life calmly , patiently and peacefully , we must close to Allah . Yes I know that Allah always with us . But it doesn't mean we do not need to bring ourselves more close to him . NO , don't think so . That's very narrow-minded . Actually , the more we distant from Allah , the more he get close with us to give something that fair on what we did . and when the more we get close and close to Allah , the more challenges by challenges that we will have to deal with . Don't you guys realize ? It is all about the circle of life .

Remember , as we are busy growing up , our parents are growing old . So we must take care of them always . When we was a kid , parents are person who concern and take care of us because it is their responsible on us . And that's is our right to get those things from them . But you MUST remember , when we are already grow up or be adult , the responsible of parents on us are ended . It will be upside down . When we already grow up , that's is our time to responsible by  take care and save our parents and do everything that they ever did to us during we were a kid . and that's is their right to get those things from us (daughter/son) . Do you guys see this circle of life ? If we rightly treat our parents now . surely we will treated like that by our future son and daughter . InsyaAllah . Just trust Allah's fate .

Well actually there are many things in this life which so unpredictable . It full of challenges and surprises indeed . So guys , don't waste our time by fool things and activities . We must aware that this world is just temporary . If we want to live happily in heaven of Allah (that's immortal place), we must always be kind , humble , aware , and obey Allah's command . The most important is 'Amar ma'ruf , nahi mungkar' means 'do a good deeds and destroy bad deeds' I wish I could manage my life rightly , and wisely . I also pray everybody will do your most best in life . Please realisation this Malay proverb 'hidup sekali biar bererti' means 'once life , make it meaningful' . **lebih kuranglah** ^^'' Alright that's all for now . I hope my post a little bit more aware readers to make a change in this life . Until next post , illalikaq (see you) ! Ma'as salamah (be safe) Assalamualaikum =)

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.