Thursday 15 November 2012

Salam Muharam 1434 : Determination

Assalamualaikum wbt muslimin wa muslimat . Khaifa haluka (how are you) ? Today 15th November 2012 equal to 1st Muharram 1434 Hijrah . Alhamdulillah . Alhamdulillah because we're still can breath until now . Allah very loves us . Allah still giving us a chance to change ourselves . Allah is waiting for us to turn to Him and beg apologise by doing taubah . Taubah Nasuhah . The totally wide open door is Taubah door . Therefore , we must sincerely perform it . Here I want to mention my wish and determination for this year of 1434 Hijrah . Number one , I want to perform salah (solat/prayer) 5 times a day , which means I want to be istiqamah . before I sometimes forget to perform salah a day like sabahu(subuh) and 'asar . Astaughufirullah al'azim ... I am very disappointing myself . InsyaAllah . InsyaAllah I can do it for the sake of Allah . Dear reader , whatever we do , wherever we are , wherever we go , how tough time is , how hectic we are , we MUST put salah for our number one most important thing which have to do (perform) first . Can we do that guys ? Trust yourself , we can DO IT ! InsyaAllah .

Number two , I want to wear a large clothes and tudung . I want to change my outlook outfit . I want to change my appearance . This means , I want to improve my aurah (aurat) from wrong to right . Here we go . Firstly , look at our head cover (tudung) . we must wear a large tudung which lower down until it's covering our chest and shoulder . Secondly , look at our clothes up and down . For that , we must also wear a large clothes which do not show our part of body shape especially chest and hump (back) . and beware of our hand , what's wrong ? we must wear a clothes which covering our hand until its cover our wrist . do you guys get it ? Alhamdulillah . Hence , look at our leg and feet . If we wear a slipper , or some kind of shoes which do not have a top cover , then , we must wear a sock . what ? yes , a SOCK ! Don't think people who wear a sock with slipper is a nut and insane . No ! NO , they are not . why ? well Actually woman's aurah is the whole body accept palms (handprint) and face . trust Allah , women will see more sweet , lovely and beautiful when they are covering their aurah . not only those who wear slipper must wear a sock , actually all kind of shoes must be wear with a sock as well . Plus , wearing a sock can protect or feet from hurt . and we'll feel more comfy .

Number three . Focus , concentrate and pay (give) full attention on study . whether in school or at home . This is because I will face another big International exam after PMR , which called SPM . SPM is only my hope to ensure my bright future . I hope I could make a wise choice and decision . I also wish to be more mature so that I can make anything wisely . InsyaAllah , I will prepare my time management schedule .

Number four , read Quran daily . reading al-Quran is very vital for every Muslim in this world . We must read it at least one page a day . if more , it will be better . If we are not able to read many page , yeah , we can read a page a day . It's okay as long as we read it everyday . This is because Allah loves those who do a little thing but continuously (istiqamah) . even better read Quran and its translation =) It will beautify your life incredibly =) InsyaAllah .

Actually there are many things and determinations I will do and change in this year of 1434 Hijrah . It still moving here and there in my mind and hiding in my heart . Only Allah knows it . So guys , I hope everybody is also have own determination and wish which want to accomplish in this 1434 year . I pray , everybody will win =) I'm gonna pen off now . Ma'as salamah (be safe) . Until next post . ilallikaq (see you) . Assalamualaikum .

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.