Tuesday 23 October 2012


Assalamualaikum wbt . Is that true that I will be 16 years old next year ? How time flies sooooooooooo fast ! Anyway , Alhamdulillah because I still can breath until now on . In along in school life , I have faced a lot of challenges , obstacles and kifarah from Allah swt . Thank to Allah because He teaches me to be strong , tough and mature person . Yet I think I'm not strong enough . Life is full of big challenges . Some people say that life is too long and it's unpredictable and some people say that life is short . therefore , we should appreciate our life and fill it with benefit things .

So far , I don't sure which one I should rely between these two perception of life . For me , life is LIFE , it is how a person fill it with things that give them advantages and disadvantages . If they fill with benefit things which guide them towards Allah swt , Insya-Allah they will feel life is long . But for those who treat their life easy and get things easy which means they just enjoy their life without remember their creator , Allah swt , perhaps they might be feeling that life is too short for them . and thus , they'll regret . Remember guys , the later regret is useless . Am I right readers ? Thank you  .

Another things that student should concern about is their mental and physical . They are many reasons why student nowadays are being stress and pressure . I know because I am a student also . As my view , and my own reasons is come from , peer pressure , family problems , compact school schedule , no suitable place to study , and the load of school bag which full of books and other school stuff and pfft ... I'm still remember that I always bring three bags at school since I was form1 and form2 . This is because I loved to bring my own things and I don't like to borrow from anybody . first bag that I wear at behind is full of textbooks , short and long exercise books and also a drink bottle . another bag is full of dictionary . It's quite thick . two dictionary . English-Malay (2) and English-English (1) , Phew . and the third beg is my telekung bag which I used to bring it whenever go to perform solah at surau .

How I miss those moment . What can I do anymore but merely to flashback and dream about it . I wish I could back to my childhood . but I can't . Life must move on forward . The things which we faced ago , just let it past . Our struggle and battle are not end up in school life . There are University , work , career , family , and old life we must face to . Maybe I should pen off right now . I'll write when I'm feel free . Assalamualaikum =)