Saturday 20 October 2012

I wanna be a quiet and humble girl

Assalamualaikum , no worries , I will leave from here as fast as I can . I just want to write a story here . It's about LOVE . just a brief story . This is about love to a person . This is about myself . I am a girl . A teenage girl . and of course I'm easy to be falling in love with a person who called a boy . Actually , I want to throw away this love feeling toward guys . I have lots of reason why . If I like someone , I will always think about him and neglect my study . Arrrghh ! I want to run away from this forbidden love feeling . This love feeling is HARAAM in Islam . I am a Muslim and I will avoid this from happenning on me again ! >,< Ya Allah , please protect me from any bad guys and throw away the unnecessary love feeling in my heart , soul and mind . Aamiin .

I'm fancying to a boy who names .. Oh , that's secret . I just intend to be his friend . But I don't know why this un-called love feeling present in myself . Arghh ! How rubbish ! I want to throw this feeling ! I have others reasons for my intention . Actually , I wanna be a good Muslimah . I know that I can't be like Saidatina Aisyah , Fatimah , Khadijah and Hajar . but at least I need have one of attitude from every of them . Am I right readers ? As next year is an important year , I will leave all Internet social account for a moment because I want to focus on my study  . So , I thought . this is my chance to stay away from ajnabi guys .

Dear my friends , especially boys . I'm begging apologize in advance . This is because perhaps I won't longer greet all of you . If you see I'm active in any account , you can greet me as usual , but maybe my conversation with all of you would be different as before . I'll still have cheerful behaviour , just my over jokes will not voiced out . I am so sorry >,< I just don't want to make a sin . I know that every person never escape from doing a sin . I just want to reduce it . and this is one of my way .

I hope guys , boys , men out there will never love girls/women by it's physical outlook , because soon we will be old , therefore , love our purity of heart . AND don't see our wealth because soon we'll be poor anyhow .  The ensure of a relationship is actually come from when a man/woman love someone not of his face , wealth and cleverness but love someone for the SAKE OF ALLAH .

Due to my post which title of quiet and humble , the conclusion I want to make to myself is , I want to be quite when face a guy and always be humble when talk with guys . not only being so to guys but to girl/women also .

Alhamdulillah because this kept feeling have stated here . That's all for now . I'll write later . Until next time ! Assalamualaikum =')