Sunday 1 April 2012

My sister : Eman Sunrise

Assalamualaikum , hi .
I want to tell about my friend/sister in FB . She is Eman .
I have one funny story here . You know , first time I become friend with Eman , I guess she is a boy/man .
Since that time I always call her 'brother' and she just silent and accept that nickname . LOL !
until oneday I post my blog's link on her wall . I said '' Dear my brother , I hope you will read my blog ''.
Then , her friend greeted and said '' Hey , not brother but sister '' .
I was so shocked on that time . What !? , oh ! so in along my friendship with Eman , I guess she is a man and called her BROTHER casually . How shy I am !!! Why Eman don't tell me . Since that time I beg apologize from Eman at yahoo . and she said she didn't mind .
I think I'm going to be old woman now because I forgot Eman's age also ! and her life either ! How old I am . >,< and now she is 24 years old =)  Eman is so caring . she asked me about my studying . Oh , I'm so touched . Thank you SISTER =) Actually I want to study Arabic language with her after I get my IE result on Disember . How distance ! I hope I could still meet her again in FB soon ! =)


I love you my sister Eman =) here is some nice picture for you !

Sister , I will show you more beautiful nature and nice picture like this after I back to FB soon ! Sorry for being late ! Hope to see you soon . SEE YA ! assalamualaikum =)