Friday 11 November 2011

? where is my friend ?

i am very thankful because i got many new friends . but i'm a bit worried where is my old friend ? i'm searching for them right now . it's very hard to stay in touch and talk with my old friend . maybe i need to greet them first ? yes , i did it . but i want to talk with them more . Now , i cannot search for my old friend continously for a moment because i will not open my FB , Skype , Yahoo n Twitter for a few week . i have to make a revision and study again and again because next year i am candidates for big Exam (PMR) . i need to prepair from now ..

p/s : Dear friend , brothers , sisters and readers , i hope u won't forget me . i will greet u after my task and work are finish . wait for me . Thanks for being my friend . All of u are very BESTFRIEND to me !! =D

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