Saturday 12 November 2011

My Life is still same

did u see that ? oh ! My life is'nt change yet ='( although my school will start for last year holiday , that's not mean i can stay free and sleep for whole day ! As my teacher say , i have to study in along the holiday . She said i have to do revision . From the form 1 lessons until Form 2 lessons . it would be so tired =(( That's because i will participate for big Examination for 2012 year . Fyuhh ! I hope i will be strong to be face all this situation . i hope God will always help in everything i do . i also need my friend . oh ! i'm gonna miss all of u =') InsyaAllah , i will spend my holiday with full of benefit things . i'll try to make a schedule and do follow it . Gambatte !!! If God wills it .

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