Sunday 6 November 2011

! I Feel so worry !

Hi friends ! I miss all of u terribly !! I hope all of u still remember me .
Actually , My final exam was finished triple day ago . All of my friends feel very happy and they feel so free . but for me , i still feel so worry ! i dont know why . i hope something bad will never happen on my result . i dont sure what kind of result that will come out soon .  Although my friends give me props to calm down , i still cannot be cool . Whatever i do , i always think about exam result . Now , i'm feel so mess !! I'm trying to find something make me feel calm . i feel a bit relax but it still playing in my mind .
Oh God ! i hope i will get a good result . Pray for me friends !! I need all of your pray ..
Alhamdulillah , i did it well . For this time , Final exam papers were a bit , very horrible and challenged !!! because it were from JPS !! it make me feel dizzy everytime after answering the exam paper . and now , I just keeping hope and depend on Allah swt .

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