Tuesday 30 April 2013

Nasheed of a day

Mimpi yang Indah by Mestica

Telah ku lalui jalan berduri 
Sejuta harapan terus ku pertahankan
Bukan mudah menggapai bintang
Bersilih dugaan mendatang

Di sebalik kepayahan
Di situlah kekuatan
Tekad hati azimat di perjalanan
Mengejar impian

Pabila laluan seakan sukar 
Bagai tak terdaya untuk terus bertahan
Namun kasihMu menyedarkan
Aku tak pernah sendirian

Di sebalik kepayahan
Di situlah kekuatan
Tekad hati azimat di perjalanan
Tinggi langit mimpi ini
Tak ku ragu untuk membuktikan
Indah bintang yang terang bukan khayalan
Tetapi kenyataan

Akan kau saksikan kesulitan ini
pasti berganti kebahagiaan
Telah pun kau dengar kisahku ini
Pernahkah cuba kau mengerti

Assalamualaikum ya akhi wa ukhti. This is my favourite nasheed. So here I'm going to stated out my view and opinions about it. As everybody knows that every bitterness certainly will be replaced by sweetness. I want to you guys know that you really trust about that statement. When you know about it, what you should do? Some people might be mad, disappoint and upset. But instead of that, you must be patient and thankful for it. It's hard to grab the stars above the sky, because there will be any obstacles that would make you surrender. but do not give up easily or you want others call you a weaker? Never. Just take a moment, find your leisure and sit calmly, think, ponder and ask yourself why it's happens on you. If you get good news, and you feel happy with it. Think! why Allah makes you happy? And when you feel sad. Think about it! why Allah make you sad? Just please have a good thoughts toward Allah. Maybe Allah knows that your attempts and efforts are not tough enough. so then you should put more effort for it in another chance. Allah knows that your eeman is very weak but you never realise that, that's why Allah shower you His test to teach you how to be patient. Because patient is the half of eeman too. Just have a faith on Allah that at the end of patience, there would be thousands sweetness and happiness. In Shaa Allah. 

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.