Thursday 28 March 2013

Thanks Fajrul


Thanks for this! even it actually not for me but I don't mind your word! I only perceive, This is SPECIAL DEDICATED to me ^^' for ME. but this is mainly for the one who made this right? this is for yourself spirit =)

and yeah I just saved it in my PC. Be enjoy in Ujian Nasional (!) It's good to hear you've passed the academic qualification in State High School (SMAN) but I hope you will get both SMAN and MADRASAH. But I think I rather choose Madrasah as you will surrounded with people who more concerned about Islamic knowledge that we can bring to akhirah. In fact, all school is good to learn to. and also it's depend on individual to plan their life journey. I'm boring to use the word  'Good luck'. So....... Bitaufiq wannajah ya sodiqi <3

p/s: please tell me that physic is easy...............><
p/s: I'm sorry for being crazy like you =P


  1. Hehehhe, with pleasure Sabirah.. okay it's for you too. by the way, Thanks for all your supports.. Good Luck for you too! :DD

    ohh hey.. what's that P.S means?? ._.

    1. you're welcome. p/s or p.s means (Post Script). At the bellow space, you can put ''p.s'' and write the things that you forgot to tell. for more info, just ask Mr.Wiki!! ;D or here is the shortcut link
      see you in May >_^

  2. ._. not p.s means, surely i know bout it, i means whats that your p.s means?

  3. hahaha ^^' I'm sooo sorry >< ya I know my ps didn't connected with this post. just want you to tell me that physic is easy, pleaseee :'( because for me physic is challenging!! as you said, understand the formula/rumus, it would be easy.

    1. ohh hahah okay okay.. fisika itu mudah banget.. hehehe semangat!^^


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