Tuesday 29 January 2013

There was a girl who instantly recite Allah.

After facing her school, she walked to a canteen and rest for awhile before she get back home. She felt really tired. 'Phew!' she sighed. She felt that school is the best place to get knowledge but lots of homework make she sometimes feel want to cry. However she is still strong and just deal with it because she knew that Allah will never give her a test that she can't face and solve. After taking a little rest, she got ready to go back and hug her mum. As she walked out from school gate, she did not see her mum. Her mum is usually wait her earlier. But on that day, she had to wait for her mum instead.
About an hour later, her mum still did not fetch her up. She felt worried. She felt that something bad is happened on her mum. 'Astaughufirullah al'zim!' she quickly asked for Allah forgiveness. It was a narrow-minded to think something bad. So, she decided to call her mum by using public phone nearby. 'the number you have dialed is....bla..bla..bla'. 'What!?' She shocked. Her mum never make her phone off before unless the phone is out of battery. or the line was terrible? but the climate just very nice. She become worrier and worrier and thinking that her mum was in bad situation. 'Astaughufirullah al'zim!' recited her again. She keep calling her mum. again and again and AGAIN. But it was no use. Suddenly.......'Anna?' greeted someone from her back gently, but it sound like that person feel hesitate whether she greeted a right girl or not. 

She heard the footsteps were stepped closer and closer toward her. She turn her head to the back and....... she saw a quite tall boy in school uniform with fair skin and beautiful eyes . She just felt so fluttered. It was like unbelievable that a boy who standing in front of her greeted her for the first time. 'What a crush!' she exclaimed in heart. 'Ammir?'  she replied to the boy with a question sound. Suddenly the boy just walked away without smile or greeting. For note, Anna ever gave a present to Ammir once she was in 9th grade without mentioning her name in that gift. She felt happy and.......'Astaghfirullah al'azim!.....Astaghfirullah al'azim!..Astaghfirullah al'zim!' shouted her continuously. Her loud voice made that boy's step stopped and he then he just continue walked away. She felt very guilty and quickly tried to avoid that feeling which bring her being slack... 'Alhamdulillah!' said her. She felt relieve as she did not eye with that boy.
There was a familiar sound was approaching to her and that was her mum's BMW (Beautiful Mom, Wow!) car ^__^' 'Alhamdulillah ya rabb Allah!' cried her in heart. She ran toward the moderate car and quickly open the door and...... *Mmuuahhh..muaah!* she kissed her mum's rigth and left cheeks. Her mom just like 'hey Anna, you never act like this after back to school'. She just smiled and felt very satisfied as her mum was in safe and healthy. Her mum said that she was talking with her old friend in phone until forgot to fetch up her at school. That was the reason why she did not manage to call her mum... However, she did not mad to her mum at all and say 'Alhamdulillah' instead...THE END

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