Sunday 30 December 2012

Terima kasih Thank you Syukran !

Assalamualaikum. hi. I don't know how to begin. I am so thankful when getting something that I wanted before. I've been waiting for it long time and eventually I got it yesterday. Not ayam goreng ekk =P hahahha straving ke ? It is a present from my neighbor, Umi. I have no word to say to her but thanks so much! I really treat you as my own mum even though I have my own and real mum, mama. Syukran jazeelan ya ummi! You give me so much advice and tazkirah. wake me up from slacking with the world which just temporary. Her Husband, I
called him Ayah Long. I also treat him as my own dad even though I have my real dad, apok. Ayah Long also often give me so much advice which so meaningful and profound. Always remind me to solah 5 times a day.

Also my own mama and apok always give me spirit to study smart, hardworking and diligently. I've realize that they are my love, they are very caring and loving. I feel so guilty because I ever made them sad and offended. Even right now. I don't know how to pay their kindness and sincere. Only Allah swt could pay the right good for them. I only have dua' and success for them. Inshaa Allah.

Eventhough I don't get what I want, but alhamdulillah to Allah because I've got what I need. Allah says, it is better if you have what you need than what you want. So be thankful and don't be envy with people who got more than you. don't be greedy because everything, everybody, every organisms which live in this world are belong to Allah. we just borrow from Him. even our live.

Alhamdulillah for giving me a friend who has changed to be better now, Zafirah. She being more good in Islam. She always advice me to pray 5 times a day. yet still I don't istiqamah performing that. Astaughfirullah al'adzim.. So far, I dont have a friend like Zafirah. I hope she friend with me sincerely ='( I have lost one friend, Hamisah. I love her so much. I feel upset when seeing her with angry face to me. Her face expression when seeing me can define as 'menyampah and meluat' face. So I feel so sad. I really feel that she hate me. Why must hate. We as a muslim must love each other. I dont know why her heart is so hard. I'm being scared. I know there'll b a hint. I'll wait for that, I really hope Allah would open her heart, soul and mind to friend back with me. Inshaa Allah. I love you, Hamisah.

But yes, everything happens will be a hint after that. dont wait, but find it. I dont why ayam goreng wandering around in my mind and dream =P  Once again, thanks for the present which so priceless. So now, I don't mind any cent if I dont get iphone, ipad, galaxy note, galaxy tab, laptop, nikon, canon and everything the latest modern device which have invented nowadays. I used to wish to get those device, but now, Inshaa Allah I will erase from my mind. Because....I.....have Allah.

Everybody has Allah. appreciate Allah and value Allah. Prophet Muhammad is His love. therefore, love what Allah love and hate what Allah hate. I hope my determination and yours will be accomplished. Bitaufiq wannajah (good luck) to everybody . Thanks for reading. Until next post. Assalamualaikum wa ma'assalamah. welcome back to school dear students.

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.