Saturday 22 December 2012

SubhanAllah - What a beautiful views

Assalamualaikum to muslim readers and hi to everybody . haifa haluki ? Oh , it's like unbelievable I'm updating my blog right now .. why I'm saying so ? It's very weirdo when I never update my blog early 1 am in the morning . ROFL xD Alright , don't be with my crazy mind =P

I was so boring at the middle of night just now , I don't have any mood to read any book , read any moral value post unless listen to musics and seeing beautiful , incredible , amazing and wonderful views and scenery !! which have invented by Allah swt . Subhan Allah , MashaAllah ! So , I have combined all pictures down here > have a look !

This is a beach scenery . SubhanAllah , it's so beautiful . I feel so peace and calm . Oh how I wish to be there .


This is a waterfall view with the rainbow include =) Allah Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang .

Whereas , this is a thorny rose . I pray to be a thorny rose . The colours , the shape and the story about this flower is very peaceful and splendid . Indeed ! =)

So friends , It have proved and showed the greatness of Allah , the oneness of Allah and everything in this world are Allah's prove to us that He is the one to be worshiped . Be thankful for that . Alhamdulillah , we live in the same world , we share the same world , we borrow the same world from Allah . Everything we get and we have right now only borrowing from Allah . So dont be over-proud , glad and arrogant because Allah can take all of that from us anytime . Be sure so that we'll be always humble and thankful when in happy nor sad . We have a condition how to be humble . To be humble is good . It is not good when we admit that our own self is weaker than others . Simply to say , don't be extremely humble until we feel very weak and useless . I think that's the advice for today . Lailahaillah , it's already 2 am ? I'm going to be an owl and will be a panda when wake up later morning with the eyes of cute panda . cute , really ? Oh , all Allah's creature have own special . alright , until next post . Assalamualaikum wa ma'assalamah . Good night or maybe i should say good morning ? ^^'

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.