Saturday 22 December 2012

Luahan perasaan - Feelings for strength .

Assalamualaikum wbt to muslim readers and hi to everybody . I found a very wonderful quote which so inspiring eventhough it's just pretty simple . When we found something that inspires ourselves , that's means , our heart is one of the heart which so pure and beautiful because Allah have a guidance and hint on us through many things such as through Islamic post , quote , people and everything that good which happen on us are from Allah . So here we go through this such an inspiring quote or we called a poem =)

A girl who tend to commit suicide back then,
A girl who swallowed a dozen of pills,
A girl who prefer to be alone and away from others.
A girl that lock herself in a shower room,
Letting the shower water flowing with her tears,

it just a story
story that now become a history.
i've being too fragile back then,
not strong enough to stay alive,

i'm too tired.
tired of hoping,
tired of seeking,
tired of living.

times heal. suddenly comes help from somewhere i didn't expect at all.
It just comes to me when the world really knocks me down.
teach me how to be grateful of life,
show me the wonderful of life behind the sorrow.

Allah Allah Allah.
What more valueable than Taufiq and Hidayah?
i was amazed.

Even the life get harder and harder,
with friends that slowly leaving away,
and people who tend to against my new lifestyle,
theres some people who are still stay behind me,
supporting me,
and said that
"it just the way Allah make you strong."

Allah, i know that you hear me.
Allah, I know you see me.
Allah, i know you'll grant my every drop of tears.

That's it . that's the quote I want to share with you guys who is reading right now . This quote is really like my real life which I'm facing right now . I'm facing many things that make me down but this is test by Allah . In fact a test from Allah doesn't make us feeling down but be stronger instead . I hope all people will have spirit in this life , have faith in Allah determined to istiqamah in obeying Allah's command . This remind myself too because I still have a weakness in istiqamah . Think about it . Until next post . Assalamualaikum wa ma'assalamah .

Credit to : Estelle Zahara  Syukran jazilan ya sodiqati .

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.