Saturday 29 December 2012

Study tips for you!

Assalamualikum Fajrul and others muslims . How are you? Alright Fajrul, I want to share a few tips or method in study. Actually there are many ways to learn and study for students. After searching and asking Mr.G, I have found quite many smart way of studying. but still I will include the general tips and my tips in study for you and you guys. Here you go! ;

General/usual study tips :

and so many more study tips that you can read study tips here and the ways to take a note in class here . Check this out now! Be diligent reading those site , alright ? Not too long and not too short . You'll be satisfy. trust me.

Actually, they are even many ways to study last minute, but I warn you not to depend on that. Don't adapt with that. Do not study last minit. NO NEVER! It has more disadvantages than benefits. Thank you.

I have my own study skills. But it just a few. I'm a bit envy with my friends who allowed by their parents to go to a tuition class at outdoor and out of school. I really eager to join a tuition class too because I'm sure it will help me more in studying lessons in school because sometimes I don't understand on what teacher is teaching, explaining or elaborating certain part with more details. Therefore, I push myself not to depend on teacher in class only and try to ask everybody else to help me. Here you go! ;

  • Pay full attention in a classroom and directly ask a teacher if there's any hesitation.
  • Stop and avoid from talking with friends behind, front and beside if they talk about fool things or not beneficial at all.
  • Study a little of previous topic while waiting next teacher and lesson begin if there's some time between it. (that's why having a quick notebook is vital as you just review by it only for a short time) 
  • Bring a small reference book on recess time so that you can read a little bit more about a topic you have learnt while eating. 
  • Make a study group with friends. and make sure you teach and test each other. Even better, there must have one person to read loudly some text which important or you can read it in turn. 
  • Try to come early to school if your usual school time in the next afternoon. so that you can study in the morning in library.
  • And try to stay at school until evening if your usual school day end in the morning. Study a bit and review lessons by yourself or with friends, if you hesitate on something, do ask your senior nearby in canteen, and library and everywhere you see them. (dont be shy to ask even though you dont close with them) 
  • While at home, follow the school time table and arrange all book in your bag while recheck and review a bit on subjects which will learn tomorrow at school. 

I think that's all . These are my my ways in learning or studying. It just so simple. I know maybe some people will not agree with my study skills because everybody has their own ways , right? As for me, just follow your comfy way. 

we can doing this too but make sure there's no teacher in class and draw something GOOD!

Have a read this! >  Before exam (general tips)

  • Don't go to bed late. Make sure your sleep time not more than or exceed from 12 midnight. REMEMBER! our brain need a rest and oxygen.
  • Wake up to perform solah subuh (for muslims). even better, wake up earlier and peform the solah sunnah hajat and pray 'so that Allah's make you calm, wide your soul and mind, so that you can answer and face the question papers easily without doubt or hesitate. 
  • Take a moderate breakfast. Do not very less and not very full. 
  • While stepping out home, begin your first step with 'bismillahi tawakaltu 'alallah' 
  • During in journey to school, recite more dzikir to Allah and His love, Prophet Muhammad saw.
  • A half an hour before step to the examination hall or class, please do not open a book or note anymore. PLEASE! Because that's a time we started panic and nervous. and I'm sure you'll be confuse. So please, avoid yourself from gathering with those who still open their notebook. 

During exam (general tips)

  • RECHECK all question and don't miss any to erase your nervous feeling. when we recheck, the idea/formula will automatically appear and quickly write down it on white paper so that you won't lose it.
  • suppose that you suddenly being blank and lose idea, quickly leave it and move to the next question.
  • For objective question, there will be many answer given right? if there's two answer is true, and you feel hesitate to choose between two of them, THIS IS IMPORTANT! you should choose a first answer that you feel correct. the second question might be a distraction or confusion. Unless you really confident that the first answer you thought is completely wrong or false. 
  • If you need to call an invigilator (prefect of examination hall), raise up your left hand while the right hand continue writing. Don't wait until an invigilator arrive. 
  • If it possible, you should try avoid from going to a toilet. It likely that your time to answer the paper is not enough and your idea will lose. 
After exam, you must depend to Allah, pray to Allah until the day of result. 

Avoid this!

  • Students who fail do not have learning schedule and depend on mood to study. It's wrong way!
  • Students who fail always study last minute. It's not effective!
  • Students treat that watching a TV and listening to songs help them to do a revision and study. It must be avoided! just instrumental is good for mind. soft instrumental NOT a song. 

The most important (for muslims)! ;  
  • Take good care and perform your ibadah and solah
  • be discipline person
  • always improve yourself to be better ; attitude and behaviour
  • seeking for barakah (keberkatan) Allah
  • always respect people no matter what age, physical or outlook
  • always think positively, maturely and wisely
  • always keep spirit, cheerful, and give more than what you need. ex; (study more) 
  • Always niat doing all things in live only for the sake of ALLAH. 

I think that's all for now, I hope these all are very beneficial for you! Good luck Fajrul and everyone! Man jadda wa jada , whoever attempts, they will successful! InshaaAllah. Until next post. Assalamualaikum wa ma'assalamah.


  1. waalaikumsalaam, hello sabirah. thank you very much for sharing great information.. hehe that's a lot advice for me.

    "Semoga Allah memberikan jalan kemudahan bagi kita semua" :DD

  2. Aamiin .. moga akan dimakbulkan. May it is helpful to face your national examnination! :')


Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.