Sunday 30 December 2012

In fact.....

Assalamualaikum. In fact, if we feel sad and happy, we should not post or publish in social account and website because it is a show off and many people will read. But me? I sometimes post my sad and happy feeling in my blog. I have to. Because I cannot keep in my heart and I have no trusted person to express my feeling to. People say, we have Allah! Everything, anything and any feeling should we ask and tell Him. Allah is all ears. Allah understand us more than what people do and more than what we do!

But for me, I have to stated my feeling in blog. I cannot bear by my own. I know I have Allah. There is a person tell me that everything he feels , he just keep in his heart because he trust that Allah hears. I feel so humble with him even though we are same age. seems like he mature than me. Inshaa Allah I will make it. No word to say anymore. Until next post. Assalamualaikum wa ma'assalamah. 

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