Tuesday 6 November 2012

My time Schedule/Management in school holiday

Ya Assalamalaikum wbt to all my faithful muslim readers . and hi to everyone . Today I want to accomplish my wish that I have promised to you guys . Yes , it is about time management or we called time schedule , in a long-term school break . So , I'm going to tell you what I'm gonna do and what will I do in this school holiday . Here we go =)

Number one , yeah , as usual ; Improving English . English is divided into four part . These are listening , reading , writing and speaking . Hey ! that's for Ielts right ? *exactly* Correct me if I'm wrong . In order to be good and expert in English , we must practice these 4 things daily because practice makes perfect . Not only maths that practice makes perfect . English as well . InsyaAllah I will prepare for Ielts . and Alhamdulillah because I have one friend , but I treat him like my brother , he is Darjan . He very will to give me a favor by giving me ielts materials . He said ielts can bring me into academic level . I will ask him later =)

Number two , Studying Arabic Language . Ahlan wasahlan ya ukthy wal akhi , khaifa khaluka ? =) Pardon me . I didn't mean to be show off >_< InsyaAllah I'll learn Arabic language a little bit more from Islamic page to page . I have no money to take Arabic class and course . So I decided to study Arabic language from my friends who live in West Asia . From Egypt , Turkey , Argeria and .... I'm not remember . Imagine guys , I am a beginner Arabic learner . a totally beginner ! Oh , I wish I could expert some of Arabic language or at least I have to know all words that I read everyday in my salah (namaz/prayer) . and dhikir (zikir) . So I think I can't begin from learning word by word . I'll learning it phrases by phrases . and then sentences by sentences =) InsyaAllah . Pray for me friends >_<

Number three , helping my parents go for selling Nasi Lemak at the mini gerai (Mini Stall) at the roadside . Yes , I come from moderate family . Alhamdulillah . What I can I do there ? InsyaAllah my works are arranging tables and chair, whipping tables , washing plates and cutlery . Hmm... I think that's all I should do . Maybe I will start helping them next week . I hope I will do it for the sake of Allah =)

Number four , Reading Quran and the Translation . InsyaAllah I will begin read it from today . Yes today ! I hope I can also learning Arabic language at the same time . I don't know whether I can finish reading it in 1 month . Just think nothing is possible if we do for the sake of Allah , right ? InsyaAllah . Allah's will . Who knows I could gain my knowledge , Iman (faith) and religous spirit in myself and perhaps I will be good Muslimah . and I really hope to be solehah . InsyaAllah . That's my main wish . By reading Al Quran with the translation , it is better because we can understand it as well . From that we can improve ourselves , especially our attitude and behaviour to be more good . InsyaAllah .

Number five is.... Hey ! why it's so many things you want to do Sabirah !! no , this number five thing , I just want to mention my daily activities and hobbies . These are salah , Reading Quran , sweeping , wiping , feeding cats , playing with cats , hanging clothes , folding clothes , listening nasyeed , watching tazkirah , reading islamic posts from Twitter, FB, friends and flying to the sky !! *kidding*

I think that's all for now , I should go now before I started any merepek words here . For those who are reading this right now , I thank you a lot to you guys . Yeah , my post isn't really fun and enjoy for sure but you guys still reading it . Oh , how touched am I ='(

p/s : Life is empty at begin , it will full of many things if a person fulfill it . It's depend on that person on how to fill and beautify their life . If we do many good things , therefore , you'r life are very precious and meaningful . If we do many waste things , yeah , we are among slack person and it is very poor life . So guys , you must make a wise decision . Think wisely , positively and maturely . Rasulullah saw said ; it is good if a person more mature than their age . Until next post . Assalamualaikum =)