Monday 29 October 2012

Keep blogging

Keep writing , keep posting , keep dreaming , keep twitting and keep liking . But the most thing I won't leave behind is keep BLOGGING ! Insya-Allah I will include moral values as much as possible in every post here

Ya Assalamualaikum everybody ? wanna get some cookies ? Here we go to my house make some biscuits . Oh ! What's the difference between 'cookies' and 'biscuit' ? Well actually both of it are same in meaning . It's different from its spelling only  . Huh !? **I deserve to be punched** Alright , in fact . Britain called biscuit while American call cookies . Their difference is like a difference between Bahasa Melayu and and Bahasa Indonesia , for example , Malaysian called 'boleh' while Indonesian called 'bisa' . They just same right ? Only their spelling and the pronunciation are obviously different . But it still reflected the same meaning right ?

I really wish that I will write more happy go lucky stories , events and incidents for 2013 year . It's like unbelievable that time flies soooooo fast right ? Do I have a chance to slurp any tea ? Haha , not a joke . I want to explain something about blog . I'm a blogger who just begun blogging since in the middle year of 2011 . I think it was . So , I think I want to voice out and covey my views and opinions about blogging among blogger . and before I begin , yes , I even a blog-walking .

Blog is the place that people can make many things . Not bad things . Blog is actually not to insult or hurt anybody . But most likely , they did so . I really against it . It's very horrendous ! Horrendous means TERRIBLE . I found this word yesterday . **Back to blog** Blog is actually deserve to make a business . As for public people , blog is deserve for who love to typing and telling and also sharing her stories , memories in life . Some people say that blogging is a part time for them whenever they're being alone . Hmm... alright , it can be accepted . As for me , it's better if we have a blog to release our tension stress and pressure .

Blogging is also one of the way to improve our typing skills , writing skills and spelling skills especially for those who want to learn new language , they must have one blog which they must write the story all in the language that they want to learn to . Insya-Allah , It'll work . What the other benefits ? Well I think we can flask back our past memory which so sweet or pain . Imagine guys , you have your own blog since you were a teenage . When you become adult , you would cry and feel so touched when read your life memories and see many cheerful nor sad pictures since you was in that age . It would be soooooooo pathetic and delighted

Many people very expert decorating their blog . But I'm not . It's just simple and super doper pretty awesome ! **I slapped** Alhamdulillah , so far all blog's owner I found are very polite and behave themselves whenever typing their words . Okay , they deserve to get appreciation **spring salute** Also , we can put a song in our blog or even MORE songs . For my view , it's is good if we put a song which suitable with our blog skin or title . That will affect the readers view . Trust it .

Maybe I should stop now . Alright , can't wait to make a quote to my friends . See ya ! Assalamualaikum =)